Chapter- 6

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'Liam?', I asked stunned and amused at the same time.

He looked like a gaping goldfish now and he was struggling for words.

'He's really shy around girls, love. I'm Harry', said a boy with hair that was swept backwards and it looked wavy at the end.

I smiled at him and then I made my way to the back and sat across Liam who now had an annoyed look and was scowling at Harry.

'I'm Superman, but don't tell anyone, it's a secret', said a boy with a very cheeky expression and he had an unshaven look with his hair swept across his face a bit.
I stared at him and he grinned at me.

'His name is Louis', said Liam speaking up for the first time.

'NO I'M NOT!!!!', yelled Louis and I winced at his shrill voice.

Everyone groaned and he grinned.

'I'm Zayn', said the boy in front of me. His raven black hair was raised into a quiff and he had an olive complexion. He seemed to be a very 'to himself' type so I decided to give him his own space.

'I'm Niall!', exclaimed a very happy looking boy with blonde hair which was spiked at the front. His accent clearly showed that he was Irish.

'No here's our question', said Louis.

'She never asked you guys anything', said Liam with a tired expression.

'No, it's alright', I said and he was given a show of tongues from everyone.
I giggled.

'How do you know Daddy?', asked Louis and I looked at him with a bewildered expression.

Liam face palmed himself.

'Pardon?', I asked completely thrown off track.

'Liam, it's his nick name', said Niall quickly and I nodded with an amused expression.

Liam had that look when you wished that the earth could just swallow you up at the moment.

'Er, we met in the bathroom', I said hoping that I didn't sound weird.

I guess I did sound weird.

The four of them stared at me like I was some kind of alien.

'It's the truth!',I exclaimed and they all started to grin like crazy.

I glanced at Liam who was showing all sorts of gestures with his hands but he quit it when he saw me looking at him.

'So this is love...
So this is love
So this is what life makes divine..'
, sang Harry and the rest of them joined in.

'Why are they singing the song from Cinderella?', I asked looking at Liam.

Liam was glaring at them and then he turned to look at me with a very sheepish expression.

'Just ignore, them. They're lunatics', he said and covered his face with his hands while the rest of them continued to sing.

I had to admit, they were really good.

I looked at them all and I was having that tickling feeling in the back of my brain, like I had seen these guys somewhere before.

I looked at Zayn, he looked a lot like that guy from the videos that I had watched, except this Zayn had side burns and he looked like older. I looked at everyone, they all looked so like the band in the video!

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