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Britney was looking really tensed and she was failing pathetically to act calm.

'You do realize that if you get scared, we end up looking like zombies right?', I asked and she rolled her eyes at me.

'I'm not scared, I'm just a lil' tensed', she said choosing her words carefully.

'What? You've never styled anyone before?', I asked and she looked at me quickly.

'Yes I have!', she exclaimed and I raised my hands in defeat.

'Whoa, okay!', I exclaimed and she calmed down a bit.

'It's just that you guys are famous', she said.

'I thought you didn't know us', I said amused.

'Well, I do now', she mumbled and walked in ahead of me.

I chuckled and just walked behind her.

'Looks like someone's gonna be all cheeky this month', said Harry from behind me and I gave him a questioning look.

'You were flirting with her!', he exclaimed and I shook my head.

'No way!', I exclaimed but he just snickered at me.

Was I really flirting with her?


I shrugged and entered the changing room.

The stylist creeped me out.

She had electric blue hair and her face was er, um...colorful?

I 'll never get why girls treat their faces like canvas sheets.

'So you're the stylist who cant style', she said looking at Britney like she was some kind of a disease.

'I can style pretty good, thank you. I'm just a little tired out', retorted Britney but the stylist just smirked.

'Just hand them their clothes and ears open amateur!', she exclaimed.


Britney went over to the clothes rack and she started to take them off the rack.

She stopped as she did so.

'What now?!', shrieked the stylist.

'Who wears what?', she asked sheepishly.

'Ask them!', she exclaimed as if it was obvious.

Britney muttered something and then approached us with her arms full of clothes.

'Pick your choice', she said and we quickly grabbed the ones that we liked.

'Not again!!!!', wailed Niall as he ended up getting the last pair.

Britney smiled, 'I'm sorry Niall, I'll let you have the first pick next time', she said and he gave her a small smile.

'Niall, here', I said and handed him my pick.

'Really?', he asked and I nodded.

'Cool! Thanks Li!', he exclaimed and ran off into the dressing rooms.

'That's kinda nice of you', said Britney and I shrugged.

I could clearly hear Harry hum that annoying song again and I'm sure Britney did too because she was looking at that direction as well.

'Flirt time's up!', yelled the stylist and she rolled her eyes.

'Get ready fast, or I'll probably get the blame on that too', she said and walked away.

The Switch Up(A Liam Payne love story)Where stories live. Discover now