Chapter 46

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I wrote this chapter listening to One Direction's 18. I've attached a video with the song at the top or side, so if you want, you can listen to it as you read, it made me cry though.

Oh and I would like to dedicate this story to HaNiLiLou for her comments and votes! Go check out her imagines with Harry! I loved them!! ;) Thank you so much love!


'Mate', said Harry as he came up to me and I smiled at him.

'That was too much information', he said and I chuckled.

'When did you find out all of this?', he asked and I sighed.

'I found out about her bio that night at the club, the engagement thing was yesterday morning', I said and he nodded.

'It sucks', he said finally and I gave him a small smile.

'What are you both going to do?', he asked and I looked at her, she was talking to Paul now and just looking at her aroused every single emotion inside of me.

'I don't know Haz', I said and he put a hand on my shoulder.

'Cant it be talked out?', he asked.

'We don't know. All we know is that we love each other and that we won't stop fighting', I said and he smiled.

'Well, we're here for you all the way', he said and I smiled but I couldn't help but get teary as I thought about what was going to happen to us.

'Liam, hey', said Harry and pulled me in for a hug.

'It's just that I'm scared', I choked.

'About what?', he asked.

'About falling in love', I answered.

'Liam..', he said but I quickly wiped my eyes.

'It's just that Dani left me and now when I fell in love again-', I said and he put an arm around me.

'Love is never easy mate and like Zayn said, you got to take risks if you want to find love', he said and I looked at him.

'In this case, the risk being a wedding', he added.

'There you go', I said and he chuckled.

'Keep the faith up Liam. We might be able to just turn this around', he said and I smiled at him.

'I think Elizabeth is looking at you', he said.

'Of course she is, why would she  look at you?', I asked and he made a face at me.

I turned and found Elizabeth coming up to us and Harry left with a wink.

'Is something wrong?', she asked.

'Can we get out of here?', I asked and she gave me a confused look.

'I just want to spend some time with you before your flight tonight', I said and she smiled at me.

I lead her to the elevators and pressed the top floor.

'Are we even allowed to be up here?', she asked as we got out and climbed up a few stairs that would lead us to the terrace.

'Nope', I replied and she gave me a stunned expression.

'We'll let management deal with it', I said and lifted her up causing her to laugh out.

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