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Okay so I wanna dedicate chapters to you guys because I have no other way to express how much it means to me whenever you vote or comment!
I love you all to bits! 😘💞

So my first dedication goes to Swangirl18 😘😘🍭 because this chapter reminds me of her when she got drunk once😂.. Love you loads my munchkin for always encouraging me to update! 💞


Before I knew it, I was now standing in front of Ashton Kutcher along with a very drunk Britney.

'Hi!', she exclaimed.


Ashton stopped talking to his friends and looked up at us with a very puzzled expression.

'Hi', he said and she swooned.

I was mentally face palming myself.

'Oh my gosh! I never dreamed that I would ever meet you and that too here in London!!, she squealed and she tripped on her legs but fortunately I caught her before she could fall.

Ashton had a very amused expression now.

Who wouldn't?

'And I never thought that I would meet a cowgirl in London', he said and she started to giggle like a lunatic.

Britney wiggled out of my grip and seated herself right next to him.

Now I was regretting the 'keeping secrets from each other' thing.

Ashton chuckled and made room for her.

'What are you waiting for?! Take a picture!', she exclaimed and made a victory sign as she made her breath taking smile at me.

I fumbled for my cell and quickly took a picture.

She grabbed the cell and then frowned.

'I blinked', she pouted.


'Excuse her, but she's a bit tipsy and starstruck', I said and tried to get her up but she refused to get up.

She swatted my hand and pouted at me.

'I am not drunk! All I drank was coke!', she exclaimed like a five year old.

Yeah, boozed up coke.

'Uh huh, and I won the X-factor, now get up!', I exclaimed but she shook her head fervently.

'LEEEEYUM PLEEEEEASEE!!!', she whined.

Oh I was so gonna pulverize Calum for this.

'Hey, your'e one of those One Direction guys right?', asked Ashton and I smiled nodding my head.

'Nice to meet one of you', he said and shook my hand.

'It's nice to meet you too', I said.

'Hey! Go away! Your'e ruining my dream!!!!', she whined and tried to push me away.

I sighed and gave him an apologetic look.

'It's alright, she's kinda fun', he said and she clapped her hands with joy and yelled, 'YAY!'.

I looked at Ashton with a startled look and he immediately realized what I had thought.

'Whoa! Happily married here! Gonna be a dad!', he exclaimed with a show of hands.

'Such a bummer', she mumbled and he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at her and he laughed.

'Hey, she's still your girl', he said and that made me look at him.

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