Chapter- 11

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After I had been attacked by the green monster, I continued my bath with caution; jumping at every single noise or touch.

This was crazy!

Now I know how Britney felt, whenever her elder brother Brian was home.

Brian, was worse than Louis, once he mixed blue dye in the pipe which lead to Britney's shower and she ended up looking like a cartoon character for a month.

I think Brian payed dearly too, I distinctively remember him wearing beanies for a month after that. He told me that he just happened to have a fondness towards the head gear.


The guys were pretty cool though, I mean for super stars, I actually expected them to be all spoiled brats, but they were actually nice.

Maybe I should judge them myself, instead of Britney quoting from magazines.

I stepped out of the shower and rummaged through my bag for something to wear.

I dried my hair with my towel and then pulled on my I decided to tie the cardigan around my waist, it wasn't that cold in the bus and besides, no Mama to judge me!

I smiled to myself.

Britney was correct about one thing.

I'm finally free.

I walked out of the bathroom and I was unsure where to keep my things.

'You want help with those?', asked a voice and I looked up to find Niall smiling at me.

I smiled, 'Yeah, where do I put these anyway?', I asked.

'We have some drawers here, I think the ones on the left are empty', he said as he lead the way.

'Speaking of empty', I said nervously and he laughed.

'I'll check', he said and carefully opened drawers while I kept a safe distance.

'Clear', he said and I breathed out in relief.

'Lou's actually harmless, he just likes a good joke once in a while', he said and then after a while added, 'Well, we all do'.

I stared at him and he chuckled.

'I mean, one time, I didn't get time to pack and so Zayn offered to pack for me. When I opened my suitcase, I found that he had mismatched every single one of my socks; purposely. It was quite unusual to look at, green with blue and blue with black. It drove me nuts for a while', he said and I laughed.

'It must be really fun living together and traveling', I said as he kept checking.

'Don't forget the fans, meeting them is one of the best parts. Sometimes we wish that we could actually meet each of them personally', he said.

'That's be really cool', I said and he nodded.

'Alright then, I've double checked so if you find something just scream', he said and I giggled.

'You want me to help put things away?', he asked but I shook my head.

'I think I'd be more comfortable with arranging my stuff by myself', I said and he colored.

I laughed softly, 'I hope you don't mind', I said quickly but he shook his head.

'No, your'e right', he said and I grinned.

'When you're done, come to the front, we can hang out over there', he said.

'Cool', I said and he smiled before turning to leave.

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