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'What the heck did you do to it?! Straighten it permanently?!' I asked incredulously as I washed Harry's hair for the fifth time. 'HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IT STRAIGHTENED OUT BY ITSELF?!!!' he bellowed and scowled as I handed him a towel to dry his hair.

I had managed to get Zayn's blonde streak back and he was sitting there looking like a very happy five year old. Louis' hair was back to its side sweep and Niall's was spiked. I couldn't really do anything for Liam because he cut his hair so he was the only one who stood out.

Oh, Harry was there too.


'You know maybe you should try putting some curlers in his hair', suggested El.

'Ha ha, very funny', he retorted back.

'Actually, that might work', I said and he stared at me.

'Oh this is something that I would die to see', chortled Louis.

'YOUR'E MAD!' yelled Harry and backed away from me.

'Oh come on Haz, don't be a big baby', I said and walked up to him but he refused to come near me.

'Yeah, Harry, it's no big deal!' exclaimed Niall.

'No big deal?! I don't want to look like some lady with curlers in my hair!' he exclaimed and hid behind Liam who rolled his eyes.

'I thought you were the one who wanted his curls back', said Liam wryly.

'I did, but not like this!' he exclaimed.

'Then we'll have to cut it!' I said and sat down next to Zayn who grinned at my suggestion.

'It'd be cool to see Hazza's head shaved', he mused.

'NO!! NO SHAVING! NO CUTTING!' yelled Harry and he peaked through Liam's arms.

'Then we have to curl them', I said.

'What about that thingy that girls use to curl their hair, its round and gets hot', said Harry.

'A curler is gonna make your hair look like Shirley Temple's locks', I said and everyone laughed.

'ARGH!!! Alright! Fine! You can use those bloody curlers, but only if you guys swear to never speak about this ever again', he said.

'Cross our hearts and swear to die', we replied.

'I didn't hear you Lou!' he exclaimed and Louis grinned.

'LOU!' yelled Harry.

'Oh alright! I won't', he mumbled and Harry came out from his hiding place.

'Please don't humiliate me', he begged and I grinned.

I decided to take him into the bathroom so that the rest of them wouldn't make fun of him.

'So, you enjoying your life here?' asked Harry as I twisted a curler into his hair.

'Yeah, it's kinda cool', I said and he smiled.

'It gets intense after a while', he said and I gave him a questioning look.

'I mean sometimes you could get hate if the fans see you're like real close with us', he said.

'So, you're tellin' me to back off?' I asked confused.

'NO! Oh man! No! I meant that if anything like that ever happens, you shouldn't be bothered about it', he said.

'And why are you telling this to me?' I asked.

'Because you like Liam', he said as if it was that obvious.

'What?' I asked and accidently pulled his hair hard.

'OWCH!!' he yelled.

'Sorry! You kinda startled me', I said.

'Uh huh. It's obvious Britney, Liam likes you', he said.

'How do you know?' I asked.

'Because he told us the first day you guys met', he said.

'At the airport?' I asked and he nodded.

'Yeah, he told us that he met this really pretty girl', he said.

I smiled as I heard Harry tell me that Liam thought that I was pretty.

'We knew that he was hooked instantly because Liam get's this weird expression whenever he falls hard for a girl', he said.

I didn't say a word and just continued to do his hair.

He then told me about how they all made fun of him by calling me Cinderella.


So that explains the song.

'I don't think he's ever felt this way since Danielle', he said.

That made me stop.

'Danielle?' I asked.

'Yeah, his ex-girlfriend. We all thought that they would go a long way but I dunno, one day it all just fell apart', he said.

'What was she like?' I asked.

'She's a dancer. They met while we were in the X-Factor', he said and he took out his cell to show me a pic of Liam and a very pretty girl who had to be Danielle.

'I don't think Liam would ever consider dating me', I said as I finished.

Harry looked at me stunned and I couldn't help but laugh because he looked extremely comical now.

'Why on earth would you say that?!' he asked shocked.

'Look at her, look at me. I come nowhere near her! I'm just a -', I started but I stopped before I could say a boring medical student.

'Britney, look at me', he said and held my shoulders.

I looked at him and met his serious face.

'Don't ever say that you're not good enough for Liam. I told you, he likes you a lot. Not because of your face or your talent, but because you're you and no one else', he said.

I smiled as he said that.

But I wasn't me now.

I was being someone else.

Didn't that mean that I was lying to the one person who actually liked me?

'Yeah, thanks', I said and he smiled.

'So, do you like him?' he asked eagerly.

'I just met him. I barely know anything about him other than what his fans know', I said wryly and he chuckled.

'Liam's easy to understand and he's a really nice guy. He would never hurt the girl he loves and would do anything to protect her', he said.

'Really?' I asked.

'Yeah, really', he said and I smiled.

'So, how long am I supposed to wear this?' he asked.

'A really long time', I said and he groaned.

'You know what? Lock me up in here', he said and I laughed.

'Let me see if it worked a bit. I mean I'm not doing it professionally', I said and started to take them out.

Miraculously, it had curled!

'Whoa. It worked!' he exclaimed as he looked at his reflection.

'Yeah, it did', I said and he grinned.

'I guess I really did miss these', he said and swept them across his forehead.

'Yeah, I still have it!' he exclaimed and strutted out of the bathroom.

'Sick', said Zayn as Harry smiled proudly at them.

'And Curly is back!!!' exclaimed Eleanor and we all laughed while he rolled his eyes at her.

'So, you ready to head out?' asked Liam as I sat next to him.

'Yeah, lemme just grab my glass slippers', I said and I caught his bewildered expression as I got up to change.

'HARRY!!!!' he yelled and I laughed softly as I shook my head in amusement.

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