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  [LIAM'S P.O.V]

The moment I heard Harry scream, I knew that something was wrong.

He never screams and even if he does, I could distinguish it from a mock or a real one...but this was totally real.

'Harry what's going-?', I started to ask but I froze when I saw him staring at the ground.

Tessa, our stylist, lay on the ground and I think that she was having a seizure.

I've only seen people seizing in T.V, so this was making me feel really freaked out.

I wanted to do something but my muscles refused to move and Harry looked as if he could pass out in any moment.

Britney came in and she had the same reaction as I had.

I expected her to faint like last time but instead what she did amazed me.


I had to think fast!

Tessa was seizing and I had no medicine or whatsoever to give her!

I had to act no or she would die.

But if I did, it would be followed by so many questions...

I could be caught!


I am a medical student and this is what I do best! Not brushing glittery dust over people's faces!!

I rushed towards her and fell onto my knees.

The first thing I had to do was check for some kind of medical ID and I finally found a bracelet on her right arm.

Tessa had epilepsy and I guessed that this wasn't her first seizure.

I felt her pulse, it was getting weaker.

'Call an ambulance! Stat!!',I yelled but none of them moved.

'Guys! I'm not joking! She's gonna die!', I yelled.

Harry quickly reached into his pocket and I could see his hands trembling as he dialed for help.

'Go get help', I told Liam and he scrammed out of the room.

Tessa was squirming in my arms now...

I looked up and I found the rest of the guys along with Eleanor staring at me with bewildered expressions.


There's no nothing...what do you do?!!!

My mind flew to the seminar we had a week before college started...

'...You wont always get the best equipment all the time. Sometimes you have to use what you have to save that person. Even if it seems to be the craziest idea ever because it means that you tried and struggled to keep them alive; instead of being ignorant fools', said our Professor.


I immediately remembered what I had read once in an old story...Iron was believed to cure fits...but where the hell was I gonna find iron?!!

My eyes caught the key in the door.

'Harry!', I yelled and he jumped.

'Get me that key!', I exclaimed and he blinked.

'We don't have much time! Her pulse rate is going down!', I exclaimed and he ran to the door.

'I need someone to hold her', I said and Zayn came forward.

The Switch Up(A Liam Payne love story)Where stories live. Discover now