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'Does my butt look too big', asked Harry as he adjusted his suit in the mirror.

'Oh get real, mine is the best', said Louis as he admired his rear end.

I mentally face palmed myself as I watched them argue over eachothers butt.

I was freaking nervous.

I mean yeah, I had been to prom before but this just seemed so different.

It was like I wanted to prove something tonight.

'You look very calm', said Zayn as he came up to me with a smirk.

'Well its not every day that Louis just surprises us with prom', I said and he grinned at me.

'Oh come on lads, the girl has never lived the ultimate teenage girl dream', said Niall.

'I thought the ultimate teenage girl dream was to be my girlfriend', said Harry and we all groaned.

'Remind me why you're still single'

'I'm too perfect', he said dramatically and went to fix his tie.

We all shook our heads and resumed to our grooming.

It was then that I noticed a line of silver from my suitcase.

It was the necklace I had bought for Elizabeth that day we all went shopping.

I smiled at the memory and took it in my hand.

'Is that for Britney?'? asked Niall and I nodded.

'It looks beautiful', he said and I smiled.

It would look even more beautiful when she wore it.

'Lads! Everything is ready', said Paul as he walked in and we all turned to face him.

He grinned as he saw us.

'Awhh, my boys. All grown up and going for prom!', he exclaimed dramaticaly and we all laughed.

'No funny business and you'll be home by 11',he said and we rolled our eyes at him.

I looked at Louis who seemed to look extra excited than the rest of us.

'Who's that for?', asked Zayn as he noticed two corsages in his hand.

'El, duh', he said as if it were obvious.

'I'm pretty sure that the tradition is that the girl only wears one corsage', said Harry.

'As if we follow tradition. Heck we dont even follow the damn rules around here', he said and we grinned.

It amazed me how Lou and El loved eachother through the thick and thin. They were like the ideal couple to me and I wanted that for me as well.

I wanted to be like them, inseparable and madly in love.

I just hoped that Elizabeth felt the same way as well.


'Is that me?', I asked stunned as I looked into the mirror.

'Yep', said El excitedly.

'Oh my gosh', was all I could say at the moment because dang, I looked good!!

The makeup was really simple yet attractive and she had styled my hair into a delicate updo.

Thanks El', I said as I hugged her.

'Anytime doc', she said and we giggled.

El was wearing a black dress which looked like lace and she looked absolutely stunning.

'Knock knock', came a voice and we turned to find a blonde girl at the door.

She looked very familiar.

'Pez! You made it!', exclaimed El as she ran upto her.

'You must be Britney. Zayn has told me a lot about you', she said and smiled brightly at me.

'Perrie, right?', I asked and she nodded.

'Zayn, is going to be so shocked!', said El and Perrie giggled.

'I hope he does because I just told him last night that I was out of the U.K', she said.

'Were you?', asked El.

'Yeah, I just came from L.A, we're having these concerts. The girls wanted to come so bad!', she exclaimed and we smiled.

Out of all of this, all I could register was the fact that Perrie had come all the way over here in her current condition just to see Zayn for a night.

Eleanor's was no different either.

She was spending her entire summer with Louis when she could be home with her parents and just chill like any other student her age.

I guess thats what love is.

It makes us do the impossible for the ones who we love.

Liam immediately entered my mind a wave of guilt washed over me.

I had to tell him some how.

I just couldnt hurt him.

'Girls', said a voice at the door and it brought me back to my senses.

Paul stood at the door and we smiled at him.

'You all look lovely and it's nice that you could make it Perrie', he said and she grinned.

'The lads are waiting downstairs, so just follow me', he said and walked us out.

'Now remember girls, have fun but not too much fun', he said as we reached the room and we all laughed.

Excitement gripped me as he started to open the door and as he did, my mouth fell open wide.

The Switch Up(A Liam Payne love story)Where stories live. Discover now