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I decided to go out and stand on the balcony.

Elizabeth seemed to be having a good time with Harry and I wanted to maKe sure that she would be happy tonight.

As I turned to look at her again, I realized that she was now in Louis' arms and they were laughing about something.

God, I was falling so hard for her.

'Hey', said a voice and I turned to find Perrie standing before me with a smile.

'Pez, lovely to see you', I said and she grinned.

'Same', she said as she joined me.

'I heard that someone has a crush', she said and gave me a cheeky look.

I felt the heat creep in and so I ran my hand through my hair.

Perrie laughed and I chuckled as well.

'It's more than a crush right now', I said and she gasped.

'Oh my! Have you told her?', she asked excitedly.

'No, but I will', I said and watched Elizabeth twirl around Louis.

'She's a lovely person,Liam. Do you need to keep her waiting?', she asked.

'It's just that I don't want to rush into anything. Ever since Danielle-', I began but she stopped me by placing her hand on my arm.

'Danielle is the past. Elizabeth is you present and maybe your future', she said with a smile.

I nodded and smiled at her.

'So, how's touring?', I asked.

'Oh my God it is soooooo tiring!', she cried and I laughed.

'I mean Zayn did say that it was a handful but this is just!', she exclaimed and I chuckled.

'It's great when you think of it as a way to connect with the fans and visit new places', I said.

'Absolutely! But you know that I enjoy being indoors!', she exclaimed and we laughed.

We looked inside and found Niall had now switched places with Elizabeth.

'Sometimes, I'm afraid that this is not going to end well', I said.

'You never know till you try', she said and I grinned.

'There you are', said Zayn as he joined us.

'What are you doing here mate?', he asked looking at me.

'Huh?', I asked.

'Your girl is inside', he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

'Zayn's right. Go make her feel special', said Perrie as she snuggled into Zayn's arms.

I chuckled and bid them goodnight as I went inside.

Elizabeth was still dancing with Niall as I entered, so I tapped him on the shoulder to make way.

'Oh, the prince has finally arrived', he said and Elizabeth giggled.

'Can we sit?', she asked as Niall left.

I gave her a confused look.

'My feet are killing me', she said sheepishly and I laughed.

We went and sat in a far off corner and I watched as Elizabeth sighed as she took off her shoes.

'I would opt for converse any day', she said and I chuckled.

'You're awfully silent', she said looking at me and I noticed that her eyes were shining.

'Nothing', I said and she raised an eyebrow at me.

'Oh wait', I said and fished around my pocket for the box.

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she saw the pink pendant inside.

'Oh my gosh', she gasped as she stared at it.

'Do you like it?', I asked.

'Like it?! I love it!',she exclaimed and then she caught me off guard with a kiss.

I smiled into the kiss as I sensed her eagerness and I could feel her completely melt into the kiss.

She was no longer on her chair, but on my lap and my arms were around her waist to prevent her from falling, while her's were around my head.

She pulled away for breath and then looked into my eyes as if she were searching for something.

'Would it be a cliche if this ended the way prom nights end?', she asked softly, it was almost a whisper.

I could feel my heart skip a beat as I heard her question.

'Are you sure?', I asked.

'I don't know', she said and as she bit her lower lip, I almost lost myself.

'We don't have to be like a cliche movie', I said and she smiled.

'You know, that's one of the reasons why I like you so much, Liam Payne', she said as she dragged her fingers through my hair.

'What?', I asked.

'You're not like the other guys.You always know the right things to say', she said and I smiled.

'And your'e not like other girls Elizabeth', I said and she giggled.

That was when I realized that something was wrong.

Elizabeth was normally shy when it came to expressing her feelings and yet here she was gushing at me and attacking my lips with every chance she got.

'How many drinks, have you had tonight love?', I asked.

'A tad bit',she said and gigged again.

'Okay, it's time for bed', I said.

'So it is going to be a cliche night!', she exclaimed as I picked her up, bridal style.

'Not tonight babe', I said and she pouted.

The lads stared at us as we waked out and I merely chuckled as I wished good night.

I lay her on my bed and by that time she had already fallen asleep.

I smiled and gently planted a kiss on her forehead.

'Goodnight love', I said and I watched as she said something in her sleep which sounded like, 'good girls and bad girls'

I shook my head in amusement and closed the door to the bedroom

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