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Yayy!! I got to update again and feels soooo good!

No my finals are no over yet, in fact i have one tomorrow.

I hope you like this chapter!

The Switch Up will be over in about three or five chapters, so please bear with me as I tend to finish this as fast as I can without making you all hate me!

And how many of you are extremely proud of our Louis?!! I freakin loved the song! He did his Mum proud.. #RIPJAY


I was walking around the house, desperately in need of a signal so that I could connect to my mobile data.

I huffed out in disappointment as I ended up with a fruitless search.

'You do know that we have WiFi',said a voice and I turned to find Elizabeth's Dad looking at me with a strange expression.

'Uh no,I didn't',I said feeling like a complete idiot.

'Is there a password?', I asked hopefully.

'What are your intentions with my daughter?'

'What..are..your- Wait.What?!',I asked mid-type,realizing that it wasn't the password.

'You heard me', he said crossing his arms.


I stuffed my phone inside my jeans and looked at him as I said,'I intend to treat her like a queen and give her the love that she deserves'.

'How sure are you about that?', he asked coming closer, only adding more nerves to my condition which was far from calm.

'Excuse me?',I managed to ask.

'Son,your life is way different from Rose's.She might not be able to keep up with your pace', he said gravely.

Ah yes, the usual accusation of being a cheating bastard.

'I wont cheat on her,if that's what you're getting at. I would never do something like that to your daughter', I said.

Actually I would never do that to anyone.

He gave me a small smile and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my chest.

'Can I take your word on that?', he asked and this time it was more like a concerned Father being protective of his daughter.

'I swear on my life that I would never mistreat her or even let her feel out of place', I said truthfully.

He smiled and patted my back.

'I knew that Rose would never pick a jerk', he said and I forced myself not to roll my eyes.

Well at least that's a compliment, isn't it?

'I expect that Rose has told you about her childhood trauma', he said as we started to walk around the house.

'Yeah, she told me about the attack', I said.

'Well, Rose has always lived a careful life since then,meaning that she tends to be naive towards a lot of things. I expect you to keep that in mind', he said looking at me.

'Yes Sir', I said.

As he continued to tell me about Elizabeth and how she was a hopeless child who would trust people easily, all I could wonder was why he was telling me all this, unless he wanted me to be with her instead of Adrian.

The Switch Up(A Liam Payne love story)Where stories live. Discover now