Chapter 45

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I was scared.

I didn't know how they would all react to my story and it frightened me to my heart's core.

'You don't have to be afraid', assured Liam as he accompanied me to Louis and Eleanor's room, where we had told everyone to gather.

'I just don't want to hurt them', I said and tugged at my hair.

'Hurt them with the truth Liz, not with a lie', he said and I smiled at the familiar quote.

'Hey!', greeted El as she opened the door for us and I hugged her.

'Go for it', she whispered in my ear and I gave her a faint smile.

'You wont get in trouble', she said and I let out a huge breath.

'Okay, so we're all here, what is it that you have to tell us Britney?', asked Paul and everyone nodded.

I looked at everyone and I could feel a lump form in my throat as I did so.

These people who stood before me, had become my family within such a short time and now I was about to ruin everything.

'First of all, my name is not Britney. It's Elizabeth. Elizabeth White', I said and they all blinked at me.

'What?', asked Harry and it was followed by everyone else except Zayn and Eleanor.

'You knew?!', asked Louis as he looked at his girlfriend in shock and she shrugged.

'What do you mean your name is not Britney?', asked Niall.

I took a breath and then started to tell them my whole story.

Eleanor's eyes went wide as she heard about my engagement and now it was Louis' time to gloat which earned him a smack on the head from Liam.

'Who knew all of this before?', asked Paul and Liam raised his hand along with Louis, Zayn and El.

'Where were we when all of this happened?', asked Harry.

'They all found out on their own, except for Louis. I told him', I said and he grinned.

'You do realize how serious this is?', asked Paul and i hung my head in shame.

'We don't have to report her', said Liam as he stood by my side in a flash.

'Liam, this counts as a crime. Acting as somebody else', he said seriously.

'But she never did us any harm!', exclaimed Zayn.

'If it weren't for her, I don't know what would have happened to me', said Tessa.

'It's because of her, that I got to tell El that I would never leave her', said Louis.

My heart swelled as I heard each of them defend me and I was beyond touched as I heard them.

I never knew that they all cared and thought so much about me.

'I know that she did all of that, but if management ever heard about this', said Paul.

'Screw them. I wont let you harm her', said Liam as he wrapped an arm around my waist protectively.

'I am so sorry that I lied to you.I never meant to. All I wanted was to get away but I never imagined that this would happen', I said and a tear fell down my eye which I quickly wiped away.

'We're not angry with you Elizabeth, we understand why you did this', said Niall and he engulfed me in a massive hug which was followed by Harry as swell.

'I don't care what you are! You are a terrific person and I'm glad that I could meet someone like you', he said as he hugged me as well and I smiled as I heard their kind words.

We all looked at Paul now who shook his head in confusion.

'It's a good thing your'e leaving tomorrow', he said finally and everyone cheered.

I smiled as I went up to him and he pulled me in for a hug.

'I'm sorry for the trouble, Paul', I said and he chuckled.

'You were never trouble, Elizabeth. In fact, I think you would make a great stylist as well as a doctor. I'm sure Lou would have been happy to know that these boys were in good hands', he said and I smiled as I heard his heart warming words.

I turned to look at the lads and I found Harry talking to Liam with a serious expression and I watched as Liam ran his hand through through his hair in frustration.

'Is everything alright over there?', asked Paul as he followed my gaze.

'I don't know', I said.

'Look Elizabeth, I know your'e engaged to someone and that you and Liam are in love. Let me tell you something about that kid, I've known him for almost four years now and he's got a drive that's greater than the rest of the lot. He wont stop till he's gotten what he wants and he knows how to get it as well', he said and I looked at him.

'If there's one thing that I know about Liam, it's that he will fight for you. Heck he would carry you over anything that terrifies you and wouldn't stop till you felt alright. That boy is going to fight for you whether you're getting married or not', he said.

'Why would you tell me this?', I asked.

'Because you deserve something better than what you were given. I believe that this switch up was necessary for the both of you. I've never seen him look so happy since Danielle', he said and I looked at Liam who at that precise moment locked his eyes with mine.

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