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I know that I am such a terrible person for not updating in a month but it was because I was going through the end of my sem and right now I'm on study break as my exams start next week! I may not have time to update but please do have patience with me!

I am soooooo sorryyyyy!!!!!


I walked into Mama's office where I found her busy with some catalogue.

I rolled my eyes as I realized that she was doing last minute checks and it only made me feel sick.

'What is it Elizabeth?', she asked without looking up.

'How did you-?', I started but she cut me off by giving me a look that read ,'I'M BUSY TALK FAST'

'I have something important to tell you', I started.

'And that would be?', she asked.

'I cant marry Adrian'

There I said it.

Silence followed my statement and it only made me want to regret coming here in the first place.

'You cant or you wont?', she finally asked.

'I cant marry him, Mama', I said desperately.

'And why is that?', she asked narrowing her gaze at me.

'I don't love him', I said.

'You've never even been in a relationship to say that', said Mama and I gasped at her words.

'That's mean', I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

'How can you possibly know whether you are in love with someone unless you've tried?', she asked.

'Because I have been in love and I am in love!', i shouted back and her eyes widened.

'What?', she asked putting down the catalogue.

'I'm in love with someone else', I said.

'How?', she asked stunned.

'I fell in love when I was in Europe, Mama', I said, my voice wavering a bit.

'You fell in love with some tourist?!', she asked furiously.

'NO!', I exclaimed.

'Then please do explain!', she exclaimed with an exasperated tone.

'It wasn't a tour package', I said timidly.

'What?', she asked.

'It was a job', I said biting my lower lip.

'Elizabeth White, what are you saying?!', she yelled.

'I didn't know!', I exclaimed desperately.

'What do you mean you didn't know?! It was a job! How could you end up in a job without knowing?!', she asked furiously.

'It was Britney's plan', I said.

'You planned this to happen?', she asked.

'No! Britney wanted me to have some time alone so she gave me her job saying that it was a tour package to Europe', I said.

'And was it?', asked Mama.

'It was in Europe, but it was a part time job as a stylist', I said waiting for the yelling to cue again.

The Switch Up(A Liam Payne love story)Where stories live. Discover now