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'Why are we shopping at a place that's closed?', I asked as we got off in front of a very empty shop.

'One word that delights us and scares the crap out of us, 'fans'', said Harry and the rest of them nodded.


I had my arm locked in Eleanor's as we walked in to the store. I was trying my best not to have any eye contact with Liam, because after what had happened in the bus, I couldn't help but blush whenever I saw him.

'So, you guys kissed?', asked Eleanor with a very cheeky expression.

'No! Well, erm, almost', I said quickly and she giggled.

'Liam must really like you if he almost kissed you, I mean he usually takes things slow', she said.

'I don't really think that I'm the one for him', I said and she frowned at me.

'Why would you say that?', she asked.

'I mean, he's a rock star and I'm just some stylist', I said and that earned me a smack on my head.

'OUCH!!', I exclaimed and looked at her.

'Liam is not like that! Hell none of the guys are! He wouldn't care even if you came from Mars! The only thing that matters is that he likes you', she said and I looked at him.

He was looking at some jackets and I smiled.


We both turned around to find Louis whiz past us in a shopping cart and Harry ran behind him, yelling, 'MY TURN! MY TURN!!'.
A very disappointed Niall followed them, 'NOT FAIR!!', he called and followed them.

'Yeah, Mars is just an understatement for these idiots', she said and I laughed.

A minute later a loud crash was heard and I'm sure I heard Zayn groan.

'I better go check on him', said Eleanor and she darted off.

I giggled and shook my head.

I approached Liam who clearly had no idea about what was happening because of his headphones.

He looked up and saw me. He smiled and tugged the headphones off.

'Found anything you like?', I asked and he shook his head.

'Why is it so silent?', he asked with a very confused voice.

'I think you missed the action', I said wryly and he looked at me with a very puzzled look.

'Come on', I said and lead him to the wreck.

Scratch out wreck.

This was a disaster.

An entire shelf of shoes had been knocked down, a t-shirt rack was history and in the middle of the mess sat a very happy Louis, regardless of the fact that he was stuck in the shop cart.

Zayn, lay on the floor and had a pair of high-tops around his neck while Harry was trying to prevent another shelf from tumbling over.

'Brilliant', muttered Liam and he went over to help them.

'Where's Niall?', I asked.

'Somewhere underneath those shirts', replied El who was trying to get Louis out of the cart.

I searched through the shirts and finally found him with a very dazed expression.

'Lets do that again', he said and I laughed.

The Switch Up(A Liam Payne love story)Where stories live. Discover now