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'Liam', called Louis and I squinted my eyes away from the first rays of the sun that were pouring into the room.

'I made my decision', I said and he shook his head.

'You dropped tour and travelled all the way over here to give up?!', he yelled with a frustrated look.

'I am not giving up', I replied through my teeth.

'It sure looks like it', he mumbled.

'LOOK YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW FUCKING HARD IT IS!', I yelled as I stood up from my seat.

'Don't you dare tell me how hard a relationship is, Payne. It takes a lot of pain to keep one alive and happy', he said fiercely.

'Guys stop it', said Niall.

'No, I won't stop this until he gets some sense into his head', said Louis.

'Leave him alone, Lou', said Zayn suddenly and we all looked at him.

'If he doesn't want to do it, let him be. There's no use in forcing things like this', he said and went into the bathroom.

'I still think this is bullshit', said Louis and stormed out of the room, while Niall followed him as well.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

'Mate', called Harry and I looked at him with a pleading look.

'What actually happened?', he asked and I gulped.

'Liam, tell me. I won't force you to do anything', he said gently.

I chewed my lip and looked outside as I remembered last night.

'Run away with me', she said.

Those four words felt like frozen water.

'What?', I asked.

'We don't have to stay here listening to them, we can escape', she said with excitement in her eyes.

'Elizabeth, do you have any idea what you're saying?', I asked.

'Yes, I'm saying that we can get away and be together', she said.

'Except, I am not the guy who just run away', I said and she looked at me.

'I belong to a band, I travel. You will never hear the last of it, you won't be untraceable, your family will always know where to find you', I said.

'But we could be together', she said completely ignoring what I said.

'Lizzie, try to understand. You still have to complete college, I won't let you drop that to follow me around and be stuck in hotel rooms', I said seriously.

'Liam, none of that matters! I get to be with you, I won't be with that monster', she cried.

'Lizzie, I want to do this the right way. I don't want to take you away like a thief, I want to show you off and let the whole world know that this girl belongs to me', I said gently but she burst into tears as I finished.

'It won't work! Can't you understand?!', she cried.

'Lizzie, it's how it's supposed to be', I said trying to pacify her.

'NO!', she screamed and got up.

'Elizabeth', I said approaching her.

'Stop, don't even come near me', she said and I felt my heart stop for a moment.

'How could you even say that to me?', she asked in a whisper.

'Lizzie..', I said.

'Why are you so afraid?', she asked looking at me.

'I'm not afraid', I said.

'Yes you are. You wouldn't have refused', she said.

'I am only trying to do what's best', I started.

'And by what's best means not being together?', she asked incredulously.

'I'm getting married in less than six hours', she said and I sighed.

'Liam Payne, you tell me right now', she said with tears down her cheeks and I looked at her.

'Are you going to ask me to leave with you or not?'

'You can guess what I said', I said and Harry shook his head.

'Was I wrong?', I asked looking at him.

'From your side it might seem true but did you think about it from her side?', he asked and I looked at him.

'You have a girl who is hours away from being married off to a complete dick, asking her only hope to save her and he says that it's not possible because it won't be perfect', said Harry and I stared at him as I understood his words.

'No plan is perfect Liam, you could have saved her and you could have made the decisions on the way', said Harry and I buried my face in my hands.

I felt my shoulders tremble and the tears that I held in finally came out.

I felt Harry's arm on my shoulders and I decided to let it out.

'Don't give up yet', he said after a while and I heard him close the door.

'Get dressed', said a voice and I looked up to find Zayn pointing to my suit.

'I can't watch her walk up to him', I said shaking my head but he didn't reply and instead walked out of the room.

I looked at the black suit which seemed to only trigger more emotions.

She would be wearing her traditional gown and she would look beautiful like always, only today, she would look like a fairy tale princess.

But instead of vowing to be mine, she would give her vows to him.

How was I going to survive that?

How could I just watch her pass by me as she glides through the aisle?

I let out a groan and clenched my hair in frustration.

The second I closed my eyes, it was like a camera roll was open in front of me and all I could see was her face, her beautiful smile.

Every single moment since the day we met till last night flashed before my eyes.

The way she laughs, the way she acts while drunk, her fear of fire and the way she crumbles as she cries.

All of those little things were going to glide past before me as well.

Elizabeth would become a mere memory.

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