Chapter Four- It's A Terrible Idea

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She felt sick , she felt horrible and more importantly she was so ashamed.

How was she gonna tell her grandfather ? This very thing happened to her mother .

When Rey's mother was 16 she got pregnant too... The father ditched and her mother had to live with the only relative who would take her and Rey.

So she went to her father who she hadn't see in years . As Rey grew up her grandfather always told her "no babies" and she always said yes.

She was always careful , she never even got to second base before but Ben...

She sighed and sat in the drive way . She couldn't go in . She couldn't tell him. So she wasn't .

No one knew she was pregnant but her and the guys . And until she told Ben she wasn't gonna tell her grandfather.

"Hey ... You're home pretty late" her grandfather said when she walked in the door.

"I promised Han I would bake pies for Leia's birthday " she said and walked up the stairs .

"Oh ... Well you need to go to bed " he said .

She nodded and then went into her room. She closed the door and flopped down on her bed.

How the hell was she gonna do this ? She the grabbed her phone and texted Finn .

'I'm gonna tell the dad tomorrow '

'Who is it ?!'

'I'll tell you after I tell him... It's a Friday so they'll be a dinner rush ... Can you cover for me while I talk to him'

'Sure ... But I better be the first to know about him!'

'You will be finn'

'Did you tell your grandpa yet ?'

'No... I need a plan before I tell him... Growing up he's always told me "no babies" and look what I did !'

''Don't worry Rey ... You'll be okay'

'Thanks I'm gonna go to bed ... Night'


She closed her phone and then started at the ceiling. This was all to much to take in.


Rey woke up , hoped in the shower and then went to her closest.

She decided to wear something that didn't look pregnant. She then grabbed a loose shirt and a pair of jeans .

She threw her hair up , made sure she looked okay and then walked out the door.

She grabbed an ice tea through a drive through and then parked at Finn's house .

"Hey preggers-" he said and she slapped his arm.

"Don't say that aloud ! Only you and Poe know and I wan an keep it that way" she said .

"Oh ... Okay sorry..." He buckled his seat belt and then they began to drive to school.

"How you feeling ?" She asked .

"Nervous ..." She said as she pulled into school.

"Look ! The fluffy haired devil has a new girlfriend.. I say three weeks tops"

"Yeah " Rey said nervously. She was looking at the father making out with some girl on the hood of his car.

Rey sighed and then walked off . "Hey ... How you feeling ?" Poe asked catching up.

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