Chapter Twenty-Seven- Announcement

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Rey woke up , blinking away the sleep , and yawned . She saw that Ben was fast asleep next to her .

She looked around and saw that this was her room. There was a layer of snow outside that she could see through the window .

"Ben" she said shaking him .


"Ben wake up !" Rey groaned .

He yawned and opened his eyes "what Rey ?" He asked .

"You slept over and my grandpa is gonna wake up any minute now and he can't know you were here " Rey said snd grabbed her socks to put them on.

"You're already pregnant " he shoved his face back in his pillow .

"That doesn't mean that you can stay here !" Rey then grabbed his shoes and brought them to him.

"It's not that big a deal Rey -"

"Ben I get that we're getting married soon but you can't spend the night -"

"So you can spend the night at my place but I can't at yours ?"

"It's that ... You're parents know we aren't doing anything ... And my grandpa doesn't think that " she grabbed his coat and handed it to him "and please Ben ? If we're gonna fight about it not when my grandpa is next door !"

"Fine" Ben said and put his shoes on and coat . He leaned down to kiss her.

"Bye Ben" she said and he quickly walked out the door .


Rey walked down the hall , waiting to see Ben any minute or Finn and Poe . She hadn't told them yet because this was something she should have done in person.

"Ah , if it isn't our little mommy to be?" Poe said walking down the hall to meet her .

"Hey guys " Rey said and hugged them both.

"Look how much you've grown ! Any movement?!" Finn asked .

"No ... Everyone keeps asking me but nothing ... I can't even feel it moving or turning ... Leia says I should eat spicy food but I'm not in the mood" Rey sighed . "But I do have some big news "

"Which is ?" Poe raised an eyebrow.

She put out her hand and then they grabbed her hand "woah ! When did you get this rock?"

"Ben proposed " Rey said .

"And then after she cried so long and was questioning why God gave her such a gift that is I as a boyfriend and then finally she managed to squeak out yes" Ben popped up and put his arm around her shoulder .

"That's not what happened " Rey scolded him .

"Well anyway were engaged " Ben smirked .

"Well congratulations!" Finn said .

"So Rey who's your maid of honor? Me ?" Poe asked .

"We haven't even talked about this ... But I think we need a date before anything else ... After January" Rey said .

"Why after January?" Finn asked .

"She has be 18 in order for us to be married legally ... And she's 17 and I don't wanna go to jail" Ben said .

"How come ? I hear those inmates loves boys with fluffy hair" Rey smiled and stood on her toes to messy up his hair .

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