Chapter Nineteen- There's No Place Like Home

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Okay so this is my favorite book I've ever written ... I can't think of a book I've written that I have gotten to nineteen chapters in less than 48 hours ... You guys seem to really enjoy it and I enjoy writing this so much ... I'm obsessed and like I can't even stress how much your guys comments and votes make me so happy ! Like , I didn't think that I would like this idea as much as I do ... I thought that it would be cliché and stupid but I've fallen so much in love with this ... And after chapter two I've just like rocketed into space with this book and I can't tell you how much it fills my heart with joy knowing you guys like this book ... Okay it's like 12:00 AM and I have a chapter to write !!! Okay anyway I hope you're enjoying this and if you read this little author's note I love you ! Bye !!!


Ben felt a tugging at his hand . He looked up to see Rey pulling his hand .

"Rey ? Oh thank god you're okay ... I thought I lost you -" he began .

She looked up at him "oh ... You're in the hospital... We got in a car accident "

"How are you?" She asked .

"I'm okay ... And the baby is okay ... And now you're okay" he then hugged her .

Rey smiled and hugged him back . "How did we crash ?"

"It was all my fault ... I wasn't paying attention and I swerved and a car hit us" Ben then held her hand "I'm so sorry ... Can you ever forgive me ?" He begged .

"Of course I can forgive you Ben " she said . Ben looked at her and hugged her again.

"Hello ... I'm you're doctor ... Your grandfather is on his way... He's coming up in the elevator " a lady said .

"Ben ... Go home ... Take a shower ... I'm pretty sure you still have my spit in your hair ... Go change and see your mom" she said .

"You sure ?"

"Go Ben" she smiled .

"Okay well text me if you need anything I'll be here in like that" he snapped .

"Okay .. Go Ben" she said . Ben kissed her forehead and then walked out .

"Rey ? You're awake !" Her grandfather said and hugged her .

"I hate to break this up but I need to check her chest ... So if you could give us a minute " she said to Benjamin.

"Oh ... Oh okay ... I'll be in the hall" he closed the door behind him.

"Okay ... So breath in" she said placing the cold stethoscope on her chest .

Rey breathed in and out . "Sounds good " she said . "You know ... Your boyfriend is really sweet"

"What ?" Rey asked .

"While you were asleep he had a nurse check on you every hour ... He didn't leave your side ... He even questioned my medical degree ... I don't see any young fathers like that"

"Oh ... He's usually not like that" Rey said and she put her shirt back down.

"Now I don't know if he'd be okay with me telling you ... He doesn't know but ... When you were still asleep , around 11:30 ... He prayed and it was so beautiful... He was talking about how amazing and kind and such a good mother you are ... It touched my heart" she smiled .

"Thank you" Rey smiled .

"Okay .. So you have a couple bruises on your legs and a small cut on your arm from the glass but other than that you're all good ... You're free to go home" she said and walked off .

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