[1] The Arrival

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Jack's P.O.V

Adjusting the olive-green travel bag in his hand, Sean stopped and admired the pale grey walls of the school building from where he was standing just before the school's front gates. He noticed that these empty walls of concrete stood quite tall and left barely any room for the garden beds surrounding them. For such a well-known and praised school he'd expected a little more out of it, perhaps a bit of colour here and there, but if this was what he was getting, he wasn't going to complain.

After all, he was still trying to figure out why his application to this school had gotten accepted at all.

Sean had applied to Laverly High about a month or two ago. At the time he'd been scrolling through endless lists of average schools online for hours until he'd come across Laverly and was immediately intrigued. He'd read about how it was the home-ground to many successful students who had a real nack for certain hobbies and activities. They were referred to as 'Elite' students. These included elite swimmers, elite actors and actresses, elite photographers, elite everything.

Heck, compared to them, there wasn't much special about Sean. Sure, he could play the drums pretty well, but that wasn't something extraordinary like being a professional artist who had mastered realism to the point where their paintings looked exactly like photos.

But, with a 'why on earth not' attitude, he had decided to apply. He'd really just applied for the hell of it and wasn't expecting anything to come out of it. But, a few weeks later, an unexpected letter from Laverly came through declaring that he had been accepted. Sean had been shocked and hadn't known how to react at the time.

Up until now he was still wondering if they may had made a mistake with the forms or not, even though his name had been written right there in somewhat fineprint: Sean McLoughlin.

It's also worth mentioning that Sean had only just moved here. Sean was an Irish-born boy, and if his accent didn't make that pretty clear his lime-green hair sure did. He had moved here only this year and had been settling in pretty well so far, but he'd been getting homeschooled by his parents until they believed he was confident enough to go back to public schooling.

And now, he was here.

"Oh, hi there!"
A sudden call coming from behind caught Sean offguard. He accidentally released the grip on his bag out of fright and turned around to see who had greeted him. This person had a Swedish hint to his accent and looked around his age, but what really caught his attention was this guy's outfit.

He was wearing a pale blue hoodie that was cut just above the waist with the word 'Brooklyn' printed across it in white - which was the same shade of his jeans - with some regular converse. It was an 'interesting' outfit choice, but Sean had to admit - It sure suited him. His hair was also dirty-blonde and his eyes were a similar shade of blue to his. Sean immediately assumed that he was another one of the students coming here; He wouldn't have greeted him if he wasn't.

"Oh, hey," Sean replied a little awkwardly. He held his arm out to shake the boy's hand politely, but instead of shaking his hand, though, the boy darted forwards and gave it an enthusiastic high-five. He then swivelled himself around on one foot and stood next to Sean, placing his hands on his hips and staring at the school with a thoughtful smile.
"Well, it sure is exciting to be here, huh?" The blonde boy breathed, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "Laverly High, the 'Elite' school. Must have a pretty interesting reputation. Oh, the name's Felix, by the way. What's yours?"

Sean, who was still a little puzzled by the impression Felix had made on him so far, took a few moments to think before replying, "My name is Sean. I, uh, moved here recently." He lowered himself down to pick up his bag and quickly looked over it. Hopefully nothing valuable had broken inside.
"Hm, judging by your accent, I kind of guessed you were new here," Felix cast a quick glance over to him before refocusing it back onto the school. "Nothing against it, though. I think you sound pretty cool. Actually, when did you move here?" He was now staring at Sean with genuine curiosity in his gaze.

Sean shrugged. "In March," He replied, starting to fidget awkwardly with the corner of his blue hoodie. It was currently mid July. He then continued on, "I appreciate that you didn't just go right ahead to point out my accent, though. I've had one too many of those experiences since moving here."

Felix was now picking at a piece of dark-grey paint that was peeling off of the front gate, not seeming as cheerful as he'd been only a minute ago. It was as though he'd calmed himself a little bit - Either that, or Sean's 'bland' attitude had lulled his excitement. "Yeah, well, it's not something I'd usually do. Now, as lovely as it is enjoying the school view, I'm not in the mood to stand around all day, so how about we g-"

A shrill bell rang out from the school-grounds right on cue with Felix's suggestion. It caught the attention of the pair in an instant. "Well, I guess we gotta go!" The Swedish boy stated with a smile as he hauled his own white backpack over his shoulder. His bright nature was slowly beginning to return to him. "C'mon, let's go inside! I'd hate to be late for the orientation gathering. It's in the hall, right?"

Sean hadn't heard him. He'd been too indulged in his own thinking that'd started from the moment the bell had rung. So, this was a real thing that was happening to him. He, the oh-so average Sean McLoughlin, was about to enter a school full of professionals in every area... He was tempted to ask Felix to give him a good slap in the face to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

He watched numbly as a few other latecomers bustled past them; There was a girl with stunningly bright yellow hair who was chatting to someone who appeared to be wearing a beanie fox hat. There was also a boy with pale, lavender coloured hair, who seemed to be side-glancing at Felix on the way in. Felix hadn't seemed to notice, though, being too caught up in his own excitement. He watched them walk by until they disappeared around the corner of a building.

Well, that was four people he'd seen now, Felix included, but he had no idea how many more students there were to come. At least he was friends with one of them so far - That was sure a relief.

A pair of snapping fingers brought him back to reality.
"Sean, wake up! You're as still as a... Uh.. A sack of potatoes!" Felix's called out to him. He'd now extended his hand out to the green-haired boy and was offering him a cheeky grin.

"Very funny, ya doof," Sean replied, amusement twinkling in his eyes. He then gave in to the temptation to smile and allowed the Swedish boy to drag him inside the gates, appreciating the comfortable friendship between them thanks to his new friend's laid-back nature.

(hello!! i should've written an author's note here earlier, but ah well, it's here now.
i'm not going to lie in saying that i'm excited to continue writing this story for however many chapters it becomes, so expect there to be somewhat frequent updates, ahah. i do hope you guys enjoy it yourselves!! + if there are any grammatical errors, i apologise. ciao ~)

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