[8] Lunch

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The dining hall was already packed by the time Sean, Ethan and Mark arrived. In the room there were two long tables lined up beside each other with students littered along them, most of them talking to the person beside them, with casual chatter filling the atmosphere.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sean saw Lilly holding back Bethany by her wrists while Rosanna tried to consult with her in the far end of the room. Bethany was mumbling some things he couldn't hear whilst she was thrashing around excitedly, trying to free herself from Lilly.
"Bethany, please, all you did was taste-test some packet macaroni," Rosanna was pleading her. "Why are you so hyper? Was there something in what you ate? I wouldn't be surprised if the people who run this place poisoned the food in the kitchen, actually..."

Bethany said something else inaudible but Lilly silenced her sharply by saying, "No, we're not going to get you that crowbar back either. It's going back into the mechanics room, where you found it."

Sean heard Ethan snort beside him. "I knew we were missing something while we were there!" He called out to Lilly, quirking his eyebrow.
Sean, on the other hand, was very reluctant to go near Bethany, Lilly and Rosanna while they were dealing with their little situation... While Bethany was 'on macaroni.'

"How about we sit over there?" Mark suggested, pointing to the table where Emma and Robert were sitting, the one furthest away to the macaroni trio. Felix and Tyler were on the table beside it, laughing hysterically at Bethany.

"Sure, I'm cool with t'at," Sean replied as the three made their way over.
Emma and Robert, who were currently having their own conversation again, turned around almost instantly when they saw the three heading over. "Oh, hey!" Emma greeted.
"Hey!" Sean called with a smile.

Robert simply waved and said, "Apparently Rosanna's decided to make us lunch today with what she's found in the dining room kitchen... But, as you can see, lunch might be a bit delayed." He motioned over to the other side of the room with a chuckle.

"We noticed," Ethan replied, smirking. "Mind if we sit opposite to you fellas?"
"Go ahead!"
Sean seated himself on the stool between Mark and Ethan. He was a little nervous that Mark was doomed to accidentally find out his real name curtesy of Robert and Emma but he shrugged the feeling off.

"So..." Robert mumbled, inhaling for a long moment. "That macaroni sure smells good. Can you guys smell it?"
"Mm, yep," Mark replied. "It reminds me of chicken dumplings."
"Chicken dumplings?" Sean laughed, looking in Mark's direction.
Mark returned it with an amused smile. "Yes, chicken dumplings. I used to always make them back home, and I don't mean to brag, but I make them pretty darn well."

"Just like how you already know how to deal with mechanics 'pretty darn well?'" Ethan retorted. "C'mon man, you told me you'd never dealt with mechanics before, but I swear you were an expert in there."
Mark shrugged and offered a sly smile. "What can I say? I learn how things work pretty quick."
Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Uh, I like learning how things work," Sean chimed in feebly. "I used t' watch documentaries at home based on how things work and how they're made. I dunno, it just fascinates me."
He saw Mark's gaze twinkle with interest. "You do, huh?"
Sean nodded.
"Well, how about we head off to the mechanics room this afternoon? Maybe I could teach you a thing or two there..." He trailed off, and Sean saw his gaze drift over to the ground. "Only if you want to, of course."

"Oh, so you do know some mechanical engineering after all?"Ethan snickered, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.
Mark huffed and smiled again. "Fine, maybe I do." He then turned back to Sean. "So, uh, are you up for it?"

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