[9] "Oops" [Part 2]

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They burst out of the room and began to run down the hall. Sean was bracing himself for something to happen from behind them and he could tell Mark was too. As they were running they passed by Bethany, Tyler and Felix, who were heading the way they'd just ran from.

"Why are you guys running?" Felix laughed.
Both of them came to a stop nearby.
"You probably shouldn't go down there," Mark panted. Sean nodded in agreement, still catching his breath.
"Uh, why? What happened?" Bethany asked them, quirking an eyebrow. Sean noticed that she had the crowbar Lilly had mentioned at lunch in her hand. Oh, that's right - Bethany must have been heading off to return it to the mechanics room. Bad idea.
"Um, nothing!" Sean chirped. He exchanged a glance with Mark and realised that he was holding in a laugh. His facial expression looked ridiculous so he snorted in amusement.

"Just don't go down there. Okay? Okay, cool. Let's get outta here." Mark put his hand on Sean's back and gently guided him away from the trio, who had begun walking in a different direction to the mechanics room. He could've sworn he heard a distant bang as he was walking away.

They continued to make their way back to the dorm hallway without a word - Just some occasional laughter. Even though they'd both just put themselves in a reasonably dangerous situation Sean couldn't help but to be amused about it. The exploding car engine was going to be their little secret which no one else would ever know. He liked the idea of that.

Eventually Mark was the first one to speak up. "So, Jack, who are we going to blame this on?"
"Well..." Sean began, bringing his hand to his chin. "You were the one who tripped on me, but I was the one who accidentally dropped the wrench in the engine. So... Both of us?"
Mark nodded. "Alright, I can settle with that."

On their way back they both agreed on paying a quick visit to the dining area to clean the dishes as compensation for having wrecked a (probably) priceless car. It wasn't much, but it was the least they could do. They took a little longer than expected because they were chatted in-between dishes but eventually they were done.

By the time they arrived back at the dorms it was about 5 o'clock. Sean said his farewells to Mark. He apologised for the incident and made a joking promise to never go back to that room again - Or at least, not any time soon. He then slipped his key from his pocket and put it in the lock. He tried to twist it open but failed. He then gave it another go, jiggling the key around a bit this time, but it still didn't open.

"You have got t' be kidding me."

There was a tap on his shoulder. It was Mark - again.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
Sean rolled his eyes and let out a groan. "My fookin' key isn't working, out of all things."
"Isn't it? Here, let me try." Mark took the key from Sean's hand and tried to open the door himself. He gave it a few tries until he eventually gave up.

"See? Won't work." Sean muttered.
Mark sighed and there was a long moment of silence between them as they thought.

Then Mark brought up a suggestion. "Hey, how about you just stay at my place for the night? We can go to one of the assholes that work here to get the door fixed in the morning. You could sleep on my couch or somethin'."
Sean scoffed. "Pfft, I've had enough of seeing your face for one day!"
"Fine then, you can sleep outside."

Sean laughed. "Oh c'mon, just let me inside, I'm tired, a'right?"

/ ohh boy, i had to split that into two chapters because it exceeded the character limit ^~^ i'm really glad you guys are liking the story though!! it's a bunch of fun to write :D

unfortunately i won't be able to update for at least the next ten to twelve days bc i'll be on holiday! i'll be sure to plan the next chapter during it though c: until then, ciao!

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