[5] Professions

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No one said anything in reply to Emma - Not straight away, at least. Some looked onwards to where Mr. Charrette had just left, looking like they were ready to run after him. Others exchanged confused glances with the people beside them.

"Well, this is just grand, isn't it?" Tyler huffed, breaking the silence. "The hell is this place meant to be? A prison?"
"A prison led by a lunatic, likely..." Felix muttered under his breath.

There was another long pause as people lowered their gazes down to think. Sean honestly didn't even know how to feel about the whole situation.

"Hey, didn't that guy say something about using our 'talents' to find those badge thing-os?" Ethan mentioned, his gaze thoughtful."I think I have an idea. How about we go around saying what we wrote down on our forms as our 'talents?' Maybe we could use them to help eachother find the badges if we all know what they are. Hell knows what this guy is going to put us through, after all."

"I'm still thinking this is just one big joke to fool us over,"Bethany pointed out.
"But what if it isn't? Ethan's idea might just be enough to get us out of here," Tyler countered his friend.
Bethany only sighed in reply.

"Alright then... How about I start?" Ethan began, clasping his hands together. The others offered him a look of approval.
"Ok, well, on my form I put down that I was good with mechanics and engineering - Mechanical engineering, you could call it."
Sean's gaze flickered curiously. So that was why people liked to call him 'Crank.' Pretty clever.

"I'll go next," Lilly insisted, adjusting her cap again. "Well, I've got a bit of a 'thing' for acting, so I wrote that down..." She trailed for a moment in thought. "Oh, and people have said that I have good intuition, but that's just a side thing, really."

Good intuition, huh? Sean liked the sound of that. Perhaps she'd be able to mark out what Mr. Charrette was up to with it. That'd sure be helpful.

One by one the rest of the students revealed what their professions were. Emma and Robert were both good at singing and guitar, Rosanna was good at cooking, Bethany was good at melee combat and Tyler was good at dancing and martial arts. Sean noticed that there was a bit of a pattern going around, too. Emma and Robert were the singing pair of friends and Bethany and Tyler were the fighting pair. This was pretty fascinating in his eyes... There were bound to be other 'matching pairs' around, surely.

Oh, and it turned out that Felix had a talent for fashion choice, which explained a lot.
Eventually it was Sean's turn to speak.

But he hesitated. On his form he had put down that he was good at drumming, which was true, and he was perfectly comfortable sharing it, but there was something else he hadn't put on his form that he was contemplating bringing up. It was the fact that he could sing pretty darn well.

Singing wasn't something he was comfortable doing around other people often, especially people he didn't know very well. He especially didn't want to have to sing for a badge to get out if he could just drum for one. "I, uh..." He stammered. "I'm good at drumming." There, he hadn't said it. He was relieved he hadn't, too.

"You're a drummer, huh?" Robert echoed with a friendly smile."That's cool! Why don't you play with Emma and I some time?"
"That'd be fun!" Emma added on with a brighter smile.

"I'd like that," Sean replied, feeling warmed by their offer. He was glad that there were at least some people finding some light in the situation.

"So is that everyone?" Ethan called, glancing around the students. The others followed his gaze, searching for someone they may have missed. Eventually their eyes landed on Mark.
"Oh, Mark, we almost missed ya! So sorry, man," Ethan said, offering an apologetic smile.
Mark only nodded in return. "It's alright." He breathed.

Sean noticed that Mark too, was hesitating. He had the same look of thought in his eyes. Did he have a talent that he wasn't comfortable sharing too? It was perfectly understandable if he did. Sean wasn't going to judge.

Eventually he spoke up. "Well, I'm good at rock climbing... Or just general climbing, really. People say I have good arm strength."

Sean could understand why they said that. The guy looked pretty ripped.

And as soon as he'd finished speaking, the damned Mr. Charrette appeared on the hall's speakers with perfect timing. "Could all students please head through the doorway and into the dorm area, thank you. From there, students will find their respective rooms which they will be staying in."

Sean heard Felix sigh beside him. "If you were to tell me he wasn't watching us, you'd be lying," He scoffed sarcastically, giving Sean a nudge with his elbow.
What he'd said was true, though - Each time the headmaster had appeared on the speakers the timing had been spot on.

"There's no use standing around some more either, Jack. Let's get to our rooms."
Sean only glared harshly at Felix for his comment before following after him and the others, who were already heading out the doorway on the right.

(thanks for the recent support on the story, guys! <3 it really means a lot !!)

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