[6] Dorms

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As they made their way down the hall Sean clutched his travel bag tightly to his chest, making his nervousness look very obvious. His entire experience here had been a total roller coaster so far and it'd only been about an hour. The Irish boy didn't know what to think or how to feel other than confused and scared. He was just letting himself be carried along this road without question.

From beside him, Felix slowly began to notice how tense his friend was. His azure gaze softened and he spread his arm out to place it around Sean's shoulders. "Hey, don't worry about it too much, man," Felix assured him. "We're all just as confused as you are, trust me. Here, why don't you give Edgar a pat? Might make you feel a little better." He stopped for a moment to raise the pug in his other arm enough for Sean to reach it. "Oh, and as your brand new friend that you just met today, I promise that I'll stick with you, ok?"

Sean sighed and relaxed himself a little, feeling comforted by his words. "Thank you, I appreciate it," He replied, stroking his hand along Edgar's head. Edgar flinched at his touch but did nothing else.

It was now pretty clear to him what Felix's exact traits were; Confident, assuring, and of course, a joker. The only trait he had a slight issue with was the joker part of him, for obvious reasons. But even so, he found it likeable.

The group suddenly came to a stop. "Oh, cool, they have our names on them!" Sean heard someone call from the front as they pointed down the hallway around the corner. A couple of people began to quicken their pace to see what the student was talking about whilst others just continued on normally.

When Sean and Felix finally arrived at the corner themselves, Sean finally saw what the student had been pointing out. Their surnames were printed on their dorm room doors on a wooden plaque, all expect for Ethan's, which had his first name. Even Robert's door had 'IDK' written on it.

Sean felt as though he could very much relate to Robert's door.

Their room keys were sitting in the lock on the outside of the door, too, and all the rooms were neatly lined up down the hall. He guessed the people who had prepared this place had labelled Robert and Ethan's doors only moments before they'd arrived.

Sean's room was the second one on the left side, next to Felix's (to his relief) and Tyler's. Across from his was Mark's room, whose was beside Ethan's and Robert's. Sean was pleased with this arrangement.

"Well, would you look at that, we're next to eachother!" Sean heard Felix exclaim beside him as he placed Edgar on the ground."What are the odds, eh? Now, I kinda want to check out my room pronto, so if you don't mind, I'll catcha later Jack!" Before Sean even got a chance to tell him off again, Felix snatched his key from the keyhole and burst inside his room with Edgar sprinting closely behind. There was a faint squeak shortly after from the sound of him collapsing on his bed.

Sean shrugged with amusement before he then turned to his own room. He removed the key and opened the already unlocked door, revealing himself to his dorm. The room was pretty decent in his eyes; It had the essentials like a bathroom and kitchen, and although it smelt a little dusty he didn't really mind. On the bed was a backpack too, which he had recalled Mr. Charrette mentioning.

He walked over to his bed and unzipped the bag, rummaging through it curiously. He found a clipboard which had the school rules, his timetable and a map of the school tucked under the clip, a water bottle with Laverly's crest printed on it and a bunch of other little things here and there. He decided that he wasn't going to read anything that was on the clipboard yet. He honestly couldn't be bothered.

One thing he did realise, though, was that his room didn't have any windows. That was odd. He guessed he was going to be living in the artificial light of his bedside lamp for the duration of his stay.

Sean placed his own bag on the floor along with the backpack and decided to lay down on the bed to ponder for a bit. As he rested his head on his palms he listened to the sound of doors reopening outside as pairs of friends left their rooms. They were excitedly murmuring things to eachother and walking down the hallway nobody had been down yet. He could tell by the way the footsteps grew distant from the dorm's area. Why were people already deciding exploring this place? Didn't they want some time to think? And, heck, why on earth did they sound excited?

It was as though the whole 'You're trapped' thing had just gone from one ear out the other, and they were now focused on the whole 'School for talented people' thing. Which was kind of understandable, though, because what Sean had noticed on the way down here was that, despite the fact that they were 'trapped' here, there were actually lots of different rooms specified for different activities so the students could train their talents after all.

He'd seen both a room full of canvases and easels and what appeared to be a sporting stadium so far. He guessed the others had noticed those rooms too and now they were all eager to check out the others. At least they were all going to get half of what they signed up for here.

The students that'd gone off to explore were probably the ones who still didn't believe what Mr. Charrette had said, too. Right now Sean was sitting in the middle of this whole spectrum; He didn't know what to believe.

Sean began to think about this for a while longer until he realised his mind was beginning to become a little foggy as he drifted off into sleep. Eventually he did fall asleep, but after what only felt like two minutes to him, a knock came from the door. Both Felix and Ethan stepped inside, not bothering to wait for a response from Sean.
"Come in," Sean grunted sarcastically as they came in.
"Sorry, couldn't be bothered waiting for you to answer," Ethan said with a shrug.
"I noticed." Sean rolled over to try and make an attempt at shutting them out. He folded his pillow over his ears and curled himself into a ball, hoping he might just asleep again. He really wasn't in the mood for company right now.

He let out an irritated groan as he felt two pairs of hands grab his side and shake him.
"Aw, was little Jackster woken from his nap?" Felix cooed playfully.
"Go away, ya fooker."
"Not until you let us stay in here for a bit."
"What, so you can raid my snack fridge and leave?"
"Well... maybe." Ethan confessed.
"Not gonna happen."

He heard Ethan hiss in frustration, but he knew it was all part of the joke. Then there was a pause as he heard Felix whisper something to Ethan. Suddenly, the bed shook violently as both Ethan and Felix flopped onto the empty spaces on the bed beside him. Sean yelped in protest but was unable to move as Felix and Ethan sandwiched him between each other.

"All I wanted was t' sleep, for Christ sake!"
"You've been sleeping for like, an hour already!" Ethan laughed, leaning on his elbow. "People have already begun to look around a little while you've been asleep, too. For a place run by a lunatic you won't believe how awesome some areas are. There's rooms for everything."
"Hey, did I tell you about how they put a dog bed in my room for Edgar too?" Felix chimed in.

Sean's focus was still fuzzy but he managed to take in most of what his friends were saying. "Yeah, yeah, that's great, but what about classes? Did everyone skip them today or something?"
"Nah, we get the day off both today and tomorrow to settle in. Apparently we get to do what we want in whatever facility we like when we're not in classes, too! Maybe this place isn't too bad after all."

Before anyone was able to say anything else there was another knock on the door. Once again, the people coming in didn't bother to wait for an answer.
"Hey Sea- Oh!" Robert and Emma burst through the door but paused mid-step as they saw the three laying on the bed.
Robert raised his eyebrow and offered them a smug smile. "I'm sorry, did we come at a bad time?"
Felix scoffed and rolled off the bed along with Ethan. There was a small sigh of relief coming from Sean as they did so.
"Pfft, we would've locked the door if that was the case, don't worry." Felix snickered.

Emma rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, sure. Now, Sean," She looked over to him. "Robert and I have found where the music room is. It's not too far from here, and hey, guess what it has?"
"A drumkit?" Sean mumbled, now feeling a little curious.
"Yep, along with a hell load of other instruments. We were wondering if you'd like to come try out the instruments with us!"
Sean nodded tiredly and finally dragged himself off of the bed. "Sure, I'll come out in a moment."
"No worries, we'll just wait for you out here." Emma offered him a final smile before grabbing Robert's hand and dragging him out the door with her.

"Well, if you're going to go off Emma and Robert, I may as well head off with Tyler and Bethany." Felix pointed out. "Tyler invited me to check out the combat stadium with them. Not sure why he'd want to invite me, though. I said yes anyway. It'd be nice to make some more friends."
Ethan was the next to speak. "Yeah, and you know that Mark guy? Apparently he found this mechanics room and wanted to check it out with me, so I agreed to go too."

It seemed like they were going be split apart for now, which Sean honestly didn't have any problem with. It was about time he branched out his relations with the others here.

"No worries, hope you guys have fun," He conceded with a soft smile. He waited until his two friends wandered out of the door until he got off of the bed himself and neatened himself up a little bit. Thankfully his hair hadn't gotten too ruffled while he'd slept.

He exited the room a short while later. He saw Emma and Robert staring at him politely and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Felix walking down the hall with Tyler and Bethany by his side. There was also Ethan and Mark standing nearby, chatting to eachother outside of Ethan's dorm. He noticed Mark's gaze drift curiously over to him as he came out, and he offered Sean a little wave in hello before returning to his conversation with Ethan. Sean smiled at his gesture before refocusing himself onto Emma and Robert.

"You all set?" Emma asked him.
Sean nodded and so they set off, following distantly behind where Felix, Tyler and Bethany had been only moments ago.

/ hope you enjoyed this (slightly larger than normal) chapter!! the septiplier will begin kicking in soon enough, just you wait c;

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