[3] The Students

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The hall wasn't as packed as Sean had expected it to be, but there was still a reasonable amount of people littered around the place. Some of those people turned around to see them coming in, most eyes immediately being attracted to either Felix or the area above Sean's head (his hair, obviously). He felt a little uncomfortable having so much attention drawn to him but Felix didn't seem all too affected by it.

The final of the students - Or at least, the ones Sean hadn't seen yet - Seemed a little more regular than the ones he'd already seen. Out of these people, there were two girls at the far end of the room talking to eachother. One was a little below average height who held what appeared to be a cookbook in her hand, and the other was wearing a floral backwards cap with a superman t-shirt.

A short distance away there was another pair, this time containing someone he recognised and someone he didn't. The one he recognised was the boy he'd seen earlier that'd been somewhat watching Felix on his way in, the one with lavender and white hair. The other was a girl who had lovely red curls and wore a plain green shirt and a pair of jeans. She also had some glasses, but in reality they both did.

The female pair in the corner waved at them as they entered, smiling genuinely, just as Ethan had done. Both Felix and Ethan waved back but Sean just smiled. The lavender boy in the other pair, although, was staring directly at Felix once again and whispering some things to the red-haired girl next to him. The girl only nodded, the two of them not taking their eyes off of him.

"Uh, what do you think is up with them?" Sean speculated, flicking his head over in the direction of 'lavender' and 'red.' Immediately, the boy noticed his gesture and quickly shifted his gaze back to his friend, but he was too late, because Ethan and Felix had already noticed them.
"I dunno, they're probably just curious," Felix answered with a shrug.
Since meeting Felix, Sean had noticed that the blonde boy was pretty at brushing things off with ease. He kind of admired that in him, along with his ability to nail such a unique outfit.

"Ahem, pardon me," A deep, mellow voice suddenly came from behind the trio. All of them were a little surprised by the sudden appearance but didn't hesitate to make way for the student who wanted to get through.
"Oh, uh, sorry," Ethan apologised, shuffling to one side whilst Sean and Felix went to the other.
The student - which happened to be the red-haired boy again - didn't look up at any of the boys as he brushed past them. Sean stiffened a little at the touch but didn't really take notice of it. Even though he'd already made two friends here he was still a little on edge and high alert of his surroundings. It wasn't surprising that he'd gotten tense.

"I didn't realise we were blocking the doorway," Sean stated with a shrug, watching the boy walk away to his own area in the hall.
Ethan and Felix were still glancing around the room curiously as he spoke, but they acknowledged him with a small hum of agreement.
"Well, you do remember what I told you about the standing around thing, right?" Felix perked up, casting an amused glance at his Irish friend.
Sean rolled his eyes. "Oh, so you want me t' be bouncing full of energy, huh? Happily rejoicing 'Fiddle-tee potatoes, what a lovely day!' after every ten minutes?" He'd put on his stereotypical Irish voice again as he spoke.
"Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing that."
"Not gonna happen, meatball."

Felix laughed for a few moments until, suddenly, his face went cold and he froze in position.
"Hey, buddy, yer alright there?" Sean asked, waving a hand in front of the Swedish boy's face. Visible signs of concern were appearing in his gaze.
"Oh dear..." He whispered, glancing behind him. Turning to Sean and Ethan he then said, "Uh, you guys wait here, I'll be right back!"Without a second thought, Felix turned himself around and hurried down the hallway, weaving around the other students to avoid colliding with any of them.

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