quick update + info!!

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*elevator music*

i know it's been a long time since i last updated this fic but i can assure you that i haven't ended it just yet!! there's still quite a bit to go in the story cx i'm hoping to update it sometime soon, actually. 

but before it continues i'd just like to give a bit of a recap on the set-out and the characters since some people have been a bit confused!!

these are the current characters and their professions (what they wrote on their application to laverly high). there are currently 9 characters!! (not including lilly)

mark fischbach - rock climber, also good at mechanical engineering
jack mcloughlin - drum player, also good at singing
felix kjellberg - fashion design/choice
tyler oakley - dancing and martial arts
bethany frye - melee combat
rosanna pansino - cooking
lilly singh (has left laverly) - acting
emma blackery - singing and guitar-playing
robert IDK - singing and guitar-playing
ethan "crank" - mechanical engineering

ah yes, ethan - i'm sure most of you know who ethan is by now if you watch mark's videos. he's the blue boy!! :D i had no idea that ethan was going to move in with mark so i got a bit of a surprise myself!

i'm also going to list out the current chapters of the story because it seems they've been glitching lately, particularly the two part chapters. i know not to post two chapters at once now because it messes things up a bit xP if you think you might have missed a chapter, just check the ones below:

[1] The Arrival
[2] First Impressions
[3] The Students
[4] Trapped
[5] Professions
[6] Dorms
[7] Encounters
[8] Lunch
[9] "Oops" [Part 1]
[9] "Oops" [Part 2]
[10] Coffee, sleep and laughter
[11] The first badge
[12] Secrets and Lies [Part 1]
[12] Secrets and Lies [Part 2]

and finally, to clear up some confusion, the dorms are single bed rooms, meaning that there's only one person each room. i think i got the definition of 'dorm' a bit mixed up at the start so just imagine it like a hotel room xD

so that's it!! i've got some good stuff in store for the next chapter so keep an eye out B^) *finger guns* and i almost forgot - thanK YOU FOR 1k READS!! i'm super happy to have reache so many, so thank you! <3

have a great day! ^_^

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