[11] The first badge

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/ boi this is gonna get good c: *rubs hands together*

The two of them stepped outside the room and into the hallway. Mark closed the door behind him with his available hand since his other one was still holding Sean's wrist.

"Geez, it's sure busy." Sean commented aloud. The hallway was packed to the brim with people who were leaving to go have dinner in the dining hall.
"It doesn't help that I can't even see over half of these people's heads." Mark scoffed to himself.
Sean raised an eyebrow towards him. "You do realise I'm shorter than you, right?"
Mark shook his head. "Eh, doesn't make much difference. My friends back home are always pointing out my height so I'm used to it." He then lowered his head and muttered under his breath,"Goddamnit, Wade."

Back home. Those words hit Sean pretty hard. He really did miss his home, even though it'd hadn't even been a day here yet. He guessed the reality of being trapped here made the feeling of homesickness ten times worse. Surely his parents were going to wonder where he was, right? Maybe the school officials had told them that this was a boarding school so they could rest assured. He wouldn't be surprised if they had.

At least there were some pretty cool people here to make his experience better.

"...And you guys call us lovebirds!" A nearby shout from Emma made Sean jump.
He snapped himself out of his daydream and saw Emma and Robert standing nearby. Emma had one arm pointed accusingly at him and Mark.
"Huh?" Sean mumbled. What on earth were they talking about?

After a few long moments of processing Sean suddenly realised what they were talking about. Sean glanced down at Mark's hand holding his wrist. Oh. That's right.

"Pfft, please!" Mark said rhetorically, waving a hand in their direction. "You guys will always be the top couple. Don't even bother trying to talk yourselves out of it."
Sean gave a small laugh, but he quickly noticed that the laugh came out really quiet. His self awareness caught up with him and he suddenly realised that he was also standing stiffly and his cheeks were feeling a little warm.
Hold on... No. He could not be blushing. There were was no reason to be.

To his relief, he seemed to be the only person to catch himself blushing. He glanced back up at Emma and Robert and saw them looking over to where Felix and Tyler were. They were chatting with each other a short distance away.
"Weeell, we're not so sure about that." Emma huffed with a smirk.
"Oh?" Mark said. He looked very intrigued.

At first, Sean was a little confused about what they were talking about, but it didn't take too long for it to hit him.

It all made sense now! Tyler had been eyeing off Felix since the moment he'd first seen him at the school gates, and since then he'd been sticking to him like glue. A crush was the only logical explanation behind his actions... Unless he was just some stalking weirdo-person. That could work too.

The crush explanation was pretty obvious, though.

"It looks like you guys have some competition, then," Sean laughed.
Robert opened his mouth to protest but Emma cut him off before he could say anything. "Yeah yeah, whatever, let's just go to dinner."


The students were now halfway through their meals. Sean and Mark had sat next to eachother on a table with Felix, Ethan, Tyler and Bethany. Rosanna and Lilly had gone off to do their own thing elsewhere they had eaten before everyone else. Emma and Robert were sitting on the far end of their table, out of earshot from them.

Sean honestly didn't mind that they were having macaroni and cheese again. It was a very American-style meal and he was always up for trying out new cultures, even if it meant trying them over and over again.

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