[10] Coffee, sleep and laughter

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Sean was honestly too tired to care that he had just agreed to stay the night with someone he was hardly friends with... Well, now that he thought about it, he guessed he was able to Mark a friend at this point. They'd spent more time together than Sean had with Ethan, and he called Ethan his friend, so why not call Mark his friend too? It'd seem silly not too.

Sean followed Mark through the already opened doorway and without hesitation he headed over to the sofa at the back of the room and flopped down on it with a loud yawn. He hugged one of the sofa's pillows to his chest and rolled over onto his stomach to rest.

There was a snort from the other side of the room. "Pfft, somebody's sure tired for 5 o'clock in the evening."
Sean grumbled into the pillow and waved one hand slovenly above the back of the sofa. "I told ye I'm tired, didn't I?"
He heard Mark laugh distantly as he sat down on his own bed. "For someone with so much energy I kind of expected you to be bouncing across the room, honestly." His retort was followed by the sounds of him rummaging through his backpack.

Eventually Sean decided to sit up again to see what Mark was up to. He wiped his eyes sleepily and adjusted his hoodie, then peered over to see the red-haired boy taking a light-coloured paper bag out of his backpack.
"What's that?" Sean asked curiously.
Mark took his eyes off of the bag as soon as he heard Sean speak."Oh, hey, that was quick," He laughed, allowing his gaze to drift back down to the bag. "Well, while we were cleaning the dishes in I found this bag of coffee in one of the cupboards! Well, to be honest, there were heaps of bags, so I decided to just take one bag for myse-"

There was a bit of ruffling. Mark paused to look up from the bag to the sofa. To his surprise, the green-haired boy wasn't there anymore.

Where had he gone?

"You were saying?"
Mark let out a sharp yelp and jumped back in surprise. "Jesus Christ, Jack, how did you get there so fast?"
Sean was now sitting on the bed next to Mark, his focus fixed intently on the bag of coffee beans. "I heard you say 'coffee.'"
"I took my eyes off you for a second!"
"So? I heard you say 'coffee.' What else needs t' be said?"
There was a short pause as Mark thought about what to say next."I'm guessing you, uh, like coffee?"
"I take it very seriously." Sean said flatly.
Mark looked away and ruffled his hair awkwardly with a sigh. "And I take back what I said about the energy thing." He handed the bag to Jack. "Here, you can make some for yourself with that coffee machine over there."

Sean smiled and took the bag from Mark. "Well thank you!" He laughed, giving Mark a little pat on the shoulder. Mark returned the smile again, but it was a little softer than usual.

Jack headed over to the little machine that was sitting in the corner of Mark's room in a small, tiled kitchen. He placed the bag on the countertop and began to fiddle around with the machine to try and figure out how he was able to use it. Hm... He'd seen quite a few different coffee machine styles in his life, but this one was sure different. He barely even knew where the 'on' button was.

"Hey, uh, Mark?" Sean called, looking over his shoulder. "Can you come help me with this thing? I have no idea how to work it."
There was a soft squeak as Mark sat up from the bed and made his way over to Sean. He came up beside him and began to inspect the machine himself, messing with different handles and knobs until he finally gave up. "Honestly, I have no idea what to do with it."Mark told him with a sigh of defeat.

Sean glanced over to him, then back to the machine. "And you call yourself an engineer, ya silly."
"I could've been one," Mark corrected him. "But I dropped out before I finished my course. And, besides, I was studying civil and biomedical engineering more than mechanical, so I'm not a complete expert like Ethan thinks I am."
"I'm guessing that's why you didn't want to say you knew stuff about mechanics?"
"Pretty much. When it comes to those sorts of things I never really want too much expected out of me."

"Fair enough." Sean conceded with a shrug. "Now, how about I try doing one more thing..." He reached his arm out to fiddle with one of the larger knobs on the side but Mark stopped him, grabbing his wrist and gently drawing it back down.
"Yeah, uh, no thanks, buddy. We've already gotten one room blown up because of us, and I want to keep it that way."
Sean opened his mouth to argue but only ended up laughing. "Oh, c'mon! That was an accident!"
An amused smile was starting to appear on Mark's lips. "You're lucky I said 'we' and not 'you.'"
"Oh, hilarious!"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Sean was still laughing, and he could tell Mark was trying hard to resist to laugh too.
"Come in!" Mark called, his voice choked with the slightest trace of laughter.
The door opened to reveal Ethan. He was staring at Mark and Sean with a look of distaste and amusement. "What on earth are you guys doing? You're making a racket." He snorted, closing the door behind him. "Plus, I could've sworn I heard someone yell a bit earlier."

Mark, who suddenly realised that he was still holding on to Sean's wrist, decided to give it a gentle squeeze to try and stop him from laughing so much. "Sorry about that, Ethan," He told him. "Jack's staying at my place for the night because his door's jammed. As for the yell-"
"Mark got scared!" Sean blurted out. His laughing had hardly died down, no matter how hard Mark squeezed his wrist to try and get him to stop.
Mark rolled his eyes. "Yes, I got scared. Only because somebodypractically teleported beside me in less than a few seconds."
"I already told you - You said 'coffee!'"

Ethan was still staring at them with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, right..." He huffed with a smile. "I'm glad to see that you two are, uh, getting along. Oh, by the way, were you guys trying to make coffee with that thing?" He pointed over to the 'coffee machine.'
It was then that Sean's laughter finally died down. Mark let go of his wrist.
"We were, actually! Do y'know how to work it? We're hopeless with it." Sean stepped out of the way to reveal the rest of the machine to Ethan.

Ethan only shook his head with amusement. "You do know that isn't a coffee machine, right?"
"It's not?" Sean said with disbelief.
"Nope. I have been trying to figure out what it is for ages now, though. Who knows what it is? This place is just full of the unknown."
Sean hissed in frustration. "You've got t' be kidding me - again."
"There are coffee machines in the dining room, though," Ethan pointed out. "But people are going to start flocking there for dinner soon, so I doubt you'll get get a chance to make one before then."
"Dinner?" Sean said, confused. "I don't remember seeing a time for dinner on the timetable."
"Well, it's just general knowledge. Most people have dinner around 6 and 7, so." Ethan said with a shrug.

"Anyway, I'm going to head off, so be sure to keep it down, please."
"Gotcha!" Mark replied, giving Ethan finger guns. Sean decided to copy him, giggling as he did so.
"Alright, catcha guys later!" Ethan turned around and exited out the door.

There was another minor pause.

"Well, you've sure perked up from before." Mark mumbled, side glancing back at Sean.
"That's true. I guess sleep is just for the weak!" Sean exclaimed. He was slowly beginning to build up a laugh again.
"More like sleep for a week, if you ask me!" Mark insisted.
Eventually the laughter that'd been brewing inside of Sean decided that it'd had enough of being trapped and was finally released again, this time in the form of a belly laugh. He had to clutch his stomach to contain his laughter.

"Good grief, Jack, you're delirious!" Mark chuckled. This time he wasn't able to resist the urge to laugh and ended up laughing almost as hard as Sean.
"You did this to me, ya goof!" Sean breathed, his voice almost a wheeze. He only continued to laugh as Mark grabbed his wrist again, only this time his grip wasn't as firm because he was laughing so much.
"I ain't going to let go of your wrist until you stop laughing again, by the way!" Mark told him triumphantly.
Sean waved his arm around feebly. "Goddamnit, let me go!"
"Not until you stop!"

Sean slowly began to feel his knees buckle from so much laughing. Eventually he fell down, dragging Mark down with him, and they simply sat there on their knees, laughing hysterically. Mark was still holding his wrist. He didn't even know what they were laughing at at this point - Maybe it was the fact that they'd just blown up a room by 'accident,' or when Mark had gotten scared by him, or even the sound of eachother's laughter. He didn't really care, though. This was the happiest he'd felt since coming to this school. It was even the happiest he'd felt since moving... And it was all because a silly goof with red hair.

To his dismay, the moment was drawn to a close as there was yet another sharp knock on the door. It was Ethan again, and this time he didn't wait for anyone to let him in.
"For goodness sake, guys, I literally just left five minutes ago!"He scoffed. "And seriously, what are you doing on the floor?"
Mark's laughing was the first to ease, so he spoke first. "Alright alright, we're sorry. We'll keep it down."
"There's no need," Ethan told him. "People are already starting to head off to dinner. I think Rosanna might be makin' something for us again but I'm not completely sure."

Sean was the next to speak, his own laughing finally wearing off."Sounds good. We've really gotta thank her sometime."
Ethan nodded. "I might even make her something myself. Well, anyway, c'mon kids, get up." He stepped back out the doorway and motioned for them to follow.

Sean then saw Felix's head pop around the doorway. "Yeah, get up kids! Playtime's over!"
"Damnit Felix!" Sean snickered as he and Mark rose from the floor. He hadn't seen Felix for a good few hours, he realised, so it was about time that he showed his face again.

They both then began to make their way out of the room to follow the others. Sean was taking little notice to the fact that Mark was still holding his wrist.

/ 22 days without a chapter, ahahah whOOPS
i came back from my holiday about a week ago but i've only been able to update one story since then. at least i've finally gotten around to this one ~ c:
as always, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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