[2] First Impressions

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As Sean was being dragged along by his new friend (who was excitedly muttering some expressions to himself in Swedish), he took some time to properly observe his surroundings. The insides of the school grounds weren't any better looking than the outside. Those raincloud coloured walls that he'd seen at the front were still the most prominent feature of the school, which was a little disappointing to the Irish boy. The inside had to be good though, right? This place didn't seem like the type to be budget-tight on their facilities, especially as a school that catered for professionals of all activities.

Felix suddenly stopped nearby a glass doorway. "You think that's the entrance over there?" He asked, pointing at the doors casually.
Once again, Sean shrugged. "Must be," He murmured. There was an amused glint in his eyes as he continued on, "But if we get lost, I think we both know who we're going to blame."
Felix gave his arm a buff nudge with his elbow. "Oh, shut up," He laughed. "Hey, the Irish are loud people aren't they? Pfft, that's what I've seen in the movies, anyway. If we do get lost, all you'll have to do is scream some stupid shit like, 'Where ta fook are me potatoes?!', and we'll be found in no time."
The cleverness of his joke make Sean huff with amusement.

Although, instead of making a clever remark to counter Felix's stereotypical Irish joke, Sean suddenly paused, dropped his olive bag on the ground once again (intentionally, this time), raised his arms towards the sky and shouted at the top of his lungs, "TOP O' THE MORNIN' TO YA, SWEDISH MEATBALL!"
This clearly caught the Swedish boy off guard, because as soon as he'd opened his mouth Felix had dropped his own backpack on the ground and placed his hands over his ears in pure shock. A gasp of surprise escaped his mouth in an instant and his eyes were showing just as much shock as his face was. He remained in this braced position for a short while, simultaneously wincing and trying to process what had just happened. Eventually he narrowed his eyes over to his friend and muttered lowly, "Sean, you are one loud motherfucker."

"Well, I kind of assumed yer wanted a quick demonstration in case we did end up in that scenario," Sean told him in a superior fashion, purposely making himself look very proud of his accomplishment. He now had a glimmer of mischief in his gaze as well. "Serves yer right, anyway." In all honesty, he didn't know why on earth he'd decided to shout that of all things - It was just something he'd come up with it on the spot.
"If only you knew how loud my ears are ringing right now... Holy shit."
"Watch yer fookin' language, Felix."
"Y'know, you remind me very much of a deodorant."
"Want me t' shout again?"
Felix was silent after that.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar face popped out from the other side of the doorway. "Er, was that you guys?" The stranger said, raising an eyebrow curiously. This boy was clearly another student here and looked a good few years younger than Sean and Felix, but he did have one similarity to Sean, and that was that his hair was coloured too. It wasn't green, though - it was turquoise.

Both Sean and Felix turned around to look at him, unsure of how to reply. Simultaneously they lowered themselves down to pick up their bags without taking their eyes off of him. Sean was slowly beginning to turn red at the cheeks too.
"Uh, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't," Felix replied, sounding surprisingly casual. "We didn't disturb anyone, did we?"
The blue-haired stranger shook his head, smiling at them genuinely. "Nah, you just gave me a bit of a heart attack. I was walking nearby you guys at the time, don't worry."
Sean heaved a sigh of relief, both because Felix had spoken up for the two of them without directly blaming him and because this new guy hadn't been too weirded out by his antics. Fortunately, he had found them amusing, and he made it pretty clear in his facial expression too. It still didn't mean that Sean wasn't embarrassed about it, though. Talk about an awkward first impression.

"By the way, my name's Ethan, but my friends like to call me Crank. You'll find out why later." Ethan offered them a suggestive wink. "Who are you guys?"
"Hey bro, great to meet you!" Felix was the first to speak again. "My names Felix, and my green-haired friend here is-"
"Sean. M'name's Sean." Sean cast a gaze over to his friend to see if he was annoyed for having been cut off. To his relief, he still seemed his normal, cheerful self. It was bad enough that Felix had already referred to him as his 'green-haired friend' - If he had been the one to introduce him, he probably would've come up with something else just as ridiculous to call him.

Ethan only nodded, now appearing to be subtly studying Felix's outfit, just as Sean had done when he'd first met Felix.
The Irish boy decided to lift things up again. He didn't want to look like the awkward boy who had his friend speak for him all the time. "Well, it's cool t' see someone else with artificially coloured hair here," He chirped, trying his best to offer a smile just as cheerful as Felix's. "I think it looks good on yer!"

Ethan smiled warmly at the compliment and placed a hand on his chest. "You really think so?" He said, brushing a hand through his hair consciously.
"Mhm! It reminds of the beach, like, the waves n' stuff."
"Ah, shucks Sean!" He flicked his hand playfully. "Oh, by the way, are you guys looking for the hall? If you are, it's literally right around the corner from here. I'm pretty sure everyone else is here already, you guys are the last ones."

Felix glanced over to Sean with a look that looked as though he were saying 'Oops.' "We are? Oh, uh, guess we better go in then. Cheers, Ethan."
"So much for the 'getting lost' drill." Sean whispered to his friend with a smile. To his dismay, Felix hadn't heard him.

"C'mon, don't be shy! Just follow me." Ethan then cooed, motioning them over with a hand.
"Shy? Who are ya calling shy?" Felix scolded playfully, rolling up his hoodie's sleeves.
"I'll have you know that we're professional shouters. Care for a demonstration?" Sean crossed his arms as a smug look came onto his facial features.
Felix looked at him with a look of distaste. "Yeah, uh, no thanks deodorant boy. Get your arse in there already, jesus Christ, what is it with you and standing around?" He was trying his best to sound annoyed as he began buffing Sean forwards but he wasn't very good at hiding the amusement in his voice.

A minute or so later the two boys were finally inside the school. Ethan led them down the hallway to a majestic-looking wooden door at the end, which was opened wide to reveal a large room behind it. To Sean's relief, the interior was quite appealing and had a bit of a professional feel to it. But his attention wasn't focused on the school's appearance at the moment. As he made his way down the hallway he noticed that a few of the students were standing outside of the hall in the corridor, either chatting with their own friends or casually standing around on their own.

Sean noticed that the yellow-haired girl and her beanie-fox-hat friend he had seen earlier were here, still chatting amongst eachother. They didn't seem to notice the trio as they walked past, too immersed in their conversation. No one bothered to try and make any social contact with them.

There was one other boy in the hallway which really caught Sean's attention, though. He was standing by himself, casually leaning against the wall propped up with one elbow as he studied his fingernails boredly. His eyes lifted immediately as he spotted the group walking past. Sean couldn't help but to offer a smile to him, seeing as this boy also had artificially coloured hair like he and Ethan did - Although this time, it was red. He was of a somewhat Korean background and was wearing a dark purple t-shirt with a pair of regular jeans. He looked around his age too.

The boy hesitated for a moment, and at first Sean was worried that he'd made the somewhat wrong decision for smiling at him, but eventually he cracked the tiniest smile to acknowledge his and didn't take his eyes of him for the next few moments that they walked past. Relief washed over Sean at the acknowledgement, but that feeling was immediately overcome once he realised that he, Felix and Ethan had just arrived by the open doors to the hall.

"Well, here we are, guys!"


(Brownie points go to whoever recognises Ethan! c: As in his YouTube channel
Edit: And it's not CrankThatFrank, to clear things up cx)

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