[4] Trapped

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Before Felix even got a chance to answer Sean, a loud voice echoed from the speakers in the hall.

"Could all students please proceed to the hall, thank you." The voice was male and it sounded formal.

Thankfully, everyone was already in the hall. The only exception was the pair in the hallway, who had only stopped talking when Felix had run past them with a pug in his arm.

"Emma, you're only making it harder for us to believe that you two aren't lovers," Bethany teased to the girl with the yellow hair with a smug smile.
Emma clenched her fists. "I already told you, Robert and I are just friends, ok?"
"Besides, we only just met eachother today on the way here. We bumped into eachother a few streets before the school."Robert then pointed out, coming to his defence.

"Whatever, love birds. Now, could you two hurry up and get your butts in here before we get in trouble?" Tyler scoffed, stepping forwards and grabbing Robert by the arm to drag him inside.
Bethany did the same, except with Emma.
Everyone else simply watched the four with amusement. Sean was just glad that he'd finally learnt the names of the talkative pair.

As soon as the two were pulled inside the hall, there was a loud bang from behind the students. Sean jerked in surprise and stared down the hallway to see what may have caused the sound. When he looked, he noticed that the light that'd been coming in through the doorway had dimmed, meaning that the doors had been slammed shut.
"D'ya think that was the wind?" Ethan theorised.
"It wasn't windy outside last time I checked..." Robert mumbled.

There was another jolt of surprise overcoming Sean as the voice from the speaker returned, except this time, it wasn't coming through the speakers. There was also the eerie sound of heels on floorboards accompanied with it.
"Welcome," The voice said. Shortly after, some doors on the opposite side of the hall opened to reveal a man with a classy, pale purple suit with a red tie. He looked around the age of forty and didn't seem like he had any good intentions. Everyone was hushed to a silence.

"My name is Mr. Charrette and I am your headmaster. It is truly an honour to have you all with us, eager to have what you came for," It was an odd thing to have said, but no one made a comment.
"Now, I'm just going to read out the names of the students who should be here..." He pulled out a piece of paper and a pair of glasses from his blazer's pocket. But, before he began reading out the names, he cast a glance up to students and muttered darkly, "...For now."

Everyone was a little startled by this but no one said a word.

"...Felix Kjellberg, Sean McLoughlin, Tyler Oakley, Bethany Frye, Rosanna Pansino, Lilly Singh, Mark Fischbach and Emma Blackery, I believe you are all here?" The students mentioned nodded in reply.
Mr. Charrette's gaze then drifted over to Ethan and Robert. He was looking at them like he already knew who they were, which was odd, because the two of them had only just met Mr. Charrette today.
"Now, you boys, Ethan and Robert, yes? I don't seem to have your surnames on here." He drew a pen from his pocket. "Would you mind telling me what they are so I can write them down?"

Ethan, who was looking a little more confident than the rest of the students, simply replied with, "My parents would like to keep my surname private for certain reasons. There's only one Ethan out of us, so we should be good, right?"
Mr. Charrette raised an eyebrow at his response but only nodded in acknowledgement. "Very well. How about you, Robert?"
Robert shifted nervously in his place. "Uh... I don't know."
"So you're Robert I don't know? Lovely, thank you, Robert. I'll put you down here as Robert IDK just to abbreviate it."
Robert smiled for a moment, thinking that he was making a playful joke. But, once he saw the headmaster scrawling something down on the paper, he suddenly realised that he was serious.

Mr. Charrette put his items back into his coat pockets and placed his hands together. "Now, to begin," There was a long moment of silence. It was eerily long.

In that period of silence, the headmaster's gaze had darkened and a sickly smile had formed. "I'm going to be blunt when saying this. You see, you are all trapped within these grounds. Not just for a few hours a day, but until the day you pass away."
There was another long pause as the students exchanged glances, confused.
"Oh, you think I'm playing a joke, don't you? Well, I've got some news for you, lovelies. I'm being serious. You are all to never roam outside of this school ever again."

No one seemed convinced. There was a faint whimper coming from Edgar.
"So, is this, like, boarding school?" Rosanna asked. "I don't remember reading that this place was a boarding school."

Mr. Charrette chuckled lowly. "You guys still don't get it, do you? From the moment you walked inside the gates, you were doomed to be trapped here. You will now have no contact with the outside world and there will be no escape."

A shiver ran down Sean's spine. Surely he wasn't serious?

"Surely you're not serious, sir?" Lilly called, seeming as though she'd just mimicked Sean's thoughts aloud. It appeared the same thought was crossing everyone else's minds too.

He shook his head and crossed his arms. "Well, if you all don't believe me now, I'm afraid the truth will became only more real as time passes. Just wait until you see the windows, heh."

Sean swallowed. He seemed crazy, and it was making him wildly uneasy.

"Now that you are all aware of your current situation, I may as well tell you a few other things. You will each be assigned a dorm with all your essentials, like a bathroom, kitchen, all that good stuff. In your dorms you will have a backpack with a rule manual, your timetable and more. Feel free to spend however long you wish reading them all."

Mr. Charrette's gaze began to lighten up a little. "I'll leave you all to chat amongst yourselves for a little while. Hopefully the reality sinks in soon enough, because you sure won't be leaving here soon." He turned around and began to make his way to the doorway, leaving the students absolutely stunned.

"W-Wait!" Sean heard someone blurt out from nearby him. It was Mark with his hand raised. Everyone's eyes turned to the American boy, including the headmaster's.
"Uh, if we really are... 'trapped' here, are you sure there is absolutely no way at all that we can leave?"

Mr. Charrette's sickly expression came back to his facial features."Actually, there is one way you can leave."
Sean stiffened and listened in closely.
"Around the school I have hidden several merit badges. They each have the ability to grant you a one-way pass out of here."
"That's great! Where might we be able to find them? What do they look like?" Tyler chimed in with a sense of hope in his eyes. It seemed like half of the students were already going along with this whole 'trapped' scheme, having accepted the truth, but quite a few still needed some convincing.

"Well," The headmaster began. "One thing I can tell you for sure is that they will not be in obvious places, like under chairs and in cupboards... No, they are in the places you'll least expect them. It might take some strategical thinking to find them, maybe even teamwork. You will also know one when you see one. Oh, by the way, don't bother trying to forge one, because I'll be watching."
Sean was intrigued. Maybe he'd be able to team up with Ethan and Felix to find them sometime? Well, depending on their availability, of course.

"Now, please, feel free to chat amongst yourselves. If you would like a clue on how to find these badges, I highly suggest focusing on training your 'special talent', because regardless of what it is, I can assure you that it will come in handy one day."And with that, Mr. Charrette turned around and exited through the doorway he'd entered through. The doors shut gently behind him.

No one said anything for a few moments. They were still trying to process exactly what they'd just heard.

Finally, Emma decided to speak up. "So... What now?"

(i should probably add author notes more often, ahah. i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i'm going to try and keep this storyline as simplistic as possible even though there are a lot of parts to it. c:)

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