[9] "Oops" [Part 1]

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Sean shambled awkwardly back to the dorm rooms with his head bowed in thought. His stomach was stirring with butterflies again and it didn't feel like they were going go away anytime soon. For the most part, he was having some regrets about keeping his plan with Mark - He didn't really feel up to it anymore. All he wanted to do now was sleep away the rest of the afternoon, hopefully without having to think about Mr. Charrette.

The smell of macaroni grew fainter as he kept walking away from the dining area. No one had bothered to clean the dishes after he'd left, and he didn't blame them. Who would be up for chores after the encounter anyway? He sure wasn't.

Eventually he arrived at the dorm room hallway, where it seemed like everyone had already gone back to their rooms. He didn't even hear a sound from his classmates. They were dead silent in their rooms.

Sighing, Sean turned around and inserted his key into the lock, twisting it open. He headed in and immediately sat down on his bed. He wanted to have a good look over his time table and the school schedule while he waited for one thirty to arrive, not only as a distraction, but also so he wasn't confused about times and whatnot when actual classes began.

There was nothing much interesting on them, he discovered. The school schedule had a few notable things that he took note of, though - Classes began at 9AM, lunch was at 12PM and classes finished at 3PM. They had free time before and after that.

He continued to fiddle around with the things in his room until the digital clock on his bedside table turned to 1:32. Two minutes wouldn't make much difference, he guessed. He picked up his travel bag and just as he was about to head out, there was a knock at the door.

Sean opened it and saw Mark standing there with his own bag over his shoulder. His eyes were a little red and his face was pale, but he still had a genuine smile on his lips. "So, you ready to go Jack?" He asked. His cheery-ness sounded a little forced.

Sean pursed his lips. "Uh, yea, but you don't look t'at good. Are you alright?"
Mark's smile faded. Guilt suddenly overcame Sean - Hopefully he hadn't offended him.
"No no, I've just been having a bit of a headache, don't worry," Mark insisted him.
Sean nodded, only half convinced. "A'right, but if yer start feeling sick, just tell me and we can head back."

Mark's smile returned, sending a wave of relief over Sean. "Fine, dad, whatever you say."
Sean laughed and expressed a grin. "And I'll be banishing you to yer room if you don't behave!"
"Fair enough. Wanna head off?"
"Let's go."

Mark lead him down a few hallways to where the mechanics room was. The entrance was made of two heavy, metal doors, and they both took some teamwork to open. Sean pictured Mark and Ethan struggling to open the doors the first time they had come and he had to force himself to stifle a laugh.

"Well, here it is!" Mark declared, stretching his arm out in the direction of the room to 'present' it to Sean.
Sean couldn't help but to gasp. This place was absolutely massive - It was similar to a giant garage, except it had more levels and mechanical tools littered around the place. It was almost like the school was encouraging them to create something troublesome with how much that was in here. There were even metal stairs that led up to viewing points along the walls, too.

"Holy fook..." Sean breathed. "Now I know why you wanted to show me this place."
"Pretty cool, ain't it?" Mark said with a smirk.
Sean was too breath-taken to give him a reply.

"So, what do ya want me to show you first? As you can see, there're plenty of options around here."
Sean hesitated for a long moment to make his decision. "Where do I even start?" He laughed. He scanned his gaze across the room until it landed on one of the red cars towards the back. It had its bonnet wide open to reveal a peculiar looking engine inside.

"How about that over there?" Sean pointed over to the car eagerly.
"What are you pointing to?"
"The red car, ya silly."
Mark huffed with amusement. "Oh, you mean the carmine convertible?"
"Carmine...?" Sean glanced over to him as he spoke.
"It's a colour."
"Can't we just call it a red car?"
"I love the way you say car, y'know."
Sean tried to give him a stern glare but he ended up chortling, saying,"Oh, shut up!"

"Take it as a compliment next time, alright?" Mark laughed, beginning to head over to the car. "I think Irish accents are pretty cool."
"Top of the mornin' to that." Sean giggled.
Mark only rolled his eyes but he couldn't help but to smile. To Sean, it seemed like he'd lightened up a little since when he'd arrived at his dorm. The colour was beginning to return to his cheeks and his eyes weren't as red anymore.

"Now, Ethan and I were actually looking at this car earlier today because we thought the engine looked a little odd," Mark began to explain once they arrived beside it. "But we didn't finish checking it out in the end because before we knew it, lunch time had arrived and we had to leave."

"What were you doing with the engine?" Sean asked, running his finger along the glimmering red paint and admiring his reflection in the metal.
"We were taking it apart to see what it was made of. Would ya like to help me finish the job? I can tell you how much I know about it if you like, since, y'know, you like learning."
"Sure, sounds good!" Sean said with another grin. He suddenly realised that he'd said that quite a lot throughout the day, which was odd, because he was usually someone who had a lot to say. But he didn't really care about that right now.

"Alright, how about you fetch me a wrench from over there - " Mark flicked his chin in the direction of an open toolbox that was nearby, " - while I grab some other things for us to use."
Sean nodded obediently and headed over to the toolbox, rummaging through the pieces of metal inside it until he found two wrenches. He didn't know which one to bring so he decided to take both of them.

But as he was making his way back over to the car he suddenly felt something jab into the side of his foot, and before he knew it he had toppled over onto his side - again. He dropped the wrenches in front of him and let out a hiss as he felt a weight fall over his knees and cover his body. One wrench landed nearby on the ground while another landed with a clank elsewhere.

Mark was staring him right in the face, looking just as shocked as he was.

"Mark, are you fooking kidding me? Again?" Sean snapped, making an attempt to wriggle away from the boy. He couldn't believe that Mark had stumbled into him again. That was twice in one day! Not to mention he now felt more awkward than when Mark had cried into his shoulder at lunch.

"O-Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" Mark stammered, his breath hot on Sean's face. He too tried to roll away from him but it only made them more tangled up. One person kept placing an arm in the place the other person already had a leg and so forth.

They both suddenly paused as they heard a groan from the car.

"Was that the engine?" Sean mumbled, trying to turn his head away from Mark's face. He wasn't in the mood to look him in the eyes right now - Not when they were less than a couple of centimetres away from his face.
"Uh, I think so?" Mark said quizzically.

Then Sean saw it. The end of one of the wrenches he'd dropped was poking out from a narrow space in the engine's gears. It must've damaged something, from the sound of it. He swallowed nervously as the engine let out another long groan.

"Yeah, uh, I think we better go..." Sean suggested.

Then there was the sound of some metal scratching against each-other. It didn't sound good.

"Yeah, uh, I agree."

In an instant Mark hopped off of Sean and hurried to the doorway with his bag. "Jack, c'mon!" He called, motioning him over with a hand.
Sean didn't hesitate to hop back onto his feet and run over to Mark with his own bag. They then helped each-other push the heavy doors open just as the engine began making some loud, machine-like noises.

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