[7] Encounters

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Sean, Emma and Robert spent a fair amount of time in the music room, trying out the different instruments, getting to know eachother and even playing a song or two together that they were all familiar with. Sean was enjoying his time with them and was happy he'd finally gotten past the acquaintance stage.

But then he started to get a little too comfortable. At one point, while Emma and Robert were happily singing and humming along to a round of 'Miss Jackson' by Panic! At The Disco, Sean joined in too and accidentally revealed his ability to sing. His voice flowed well with the lyrics up until the point where he suddenly realised Emma and Robert had stopped singing along themselves and were now staring at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, you can sing?" Emma gasped, staring at Sean with disbelief.
Sean hesitated and began to turn red at the cheeks again, just like what'd happened when he'd made his first impression to Ethan by screeching like a rooster. "Uh, yeah, I guess."

"Dude, that's awesome! When were you going to tell us you could sing?" Robert asked. There wasn't any hardness in his tone when he spoke, indicating that he wasn't angry at all with Sean for not telling them. In fact, he sounded fascinated.
"I dunno. The whole singing thing is kind of somethin' I've been wanting to keep private." He replied uneasily.

Both Emma and Robert only offered him a look of understanding.
"It's all good, man. We'll keep it a secret between us." Robert told him. He then glanced at the clock in the corner of the room. "We should probably start heading back too, it's almost lunchtime. Or, at least, the lunchtime that was on our timetable, even though we have the day off."
Sean sighed with relief. He really needed to get around to reading that timetable and manual of his too.

As the three of them were heading back to the dorm area, Sean noticed that quite a few of the others were returning too. As he passed them he began to recite their names in his head to make sure he remembered them correctly.

Suddenly, Sean let out a gentle 'oomf' as he collided with someone and was sent stumbling backwards. He dropped his travel bag (which he'd brought along to his time with Emma and Robert) and felt a sharp pain shoot through his arm as his elbow came in contact with one of the dorm's doorknobs. He then eventually lost his balance and landed on the floor.

"J-Jack!" He heard a shaky voice appear from in front of him. He then saw a figure kneeling down with his arm outstretched. "I'm so sorry, I should have been looking where I.. I was going..." He was stumbling a little on his words, like he was nervous.

Sean blinked a few times to adjust his gaze to the person that was before him. It was that Mark guy again. His face flashed with sympathy.
"Oh, it's ok!" Sean replied with a reassuring smile. He then reached out and held Mark's hand, gripping it tightly and allowing the red-haired male to haul him back to his feet.
Brushing himself off, Sean picked up his bag and continued to smile at Mark, who was appearing a little more relieved than before. "I guess I should've been watchin' where I was going too.. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Mark shook his head. "No no, I'm fine! Are you alright?"
"Yeah, don't worry, I'm good." Sean told him, ignoring the faint pain in his elbow. He then reached out and touched Mark's shoulder to show that he was being honest. Their gaze connected for a short moment, up until Sean withdrew his hand.
"Well, alright then. Sorry again, Jack. See ya 'round!" Mark turned himself around and made his way into his dorm, softly closing the door behind him.

"Wait... Jack?" Sean heard a confused voice coming from nearby Mark's dorm, except it wasn't from Mark. It was from Ethan. He was staring at him with a raised eyebrow and his arms were crossed. "I could've sworn your name was Sean, like, an hour ago."

"Uh, well it is," Sean told him, scratching his lightly bruised elbow awkwardly. "But you know how when Felix was running down the hall with Edgar he was shouting something? Yeah, thanks to what that douche-face had been shouting, my name to Mark is now Jack. Where did Felix even get the name Jack from, anyway?" Well, in all honesty, Sean was glad Felix had chosen the name 'Jack' over any other name. It was simple and regular, unlike 'deodorant boy.'

He was also hoping that Mark wasn't listening to their conversation right now, seeing as they were standing right outside his dorm.

"Why don't you just tell him that your name is Sean, then?"Ethan asked him.
Sean shrugged. "I dunno, I want to wait until the right time to tell him."
"Wait until the right time? Dude, you're telling him your name, not confessing your love for him." Ethan retorted.
Sean felt a soft twinge inside of his stomach. "C'mon, you know what I mean."
"Fine, fine." He conceded.

"Now, while we're chatting, how was your time with Emma and Robert? Were they nice?"
Sean nodded. He'd honestly really enjoyed his time with the duo; They'd been fun and friendly. "Yeah, they're pretty cool once you get to know them." He replied. "Hey, you spent some time with Mark, didn't you? How was he?"

Ethan tilted his head thoughtfully. "He's pretty cool as well... Got a good sense of humour, that's for sure." His gaze drifted over to Mark's door label, which had 'Fischbach' written on it. "Oh, and while I was teaching him a thing or two about engineering, I noticed that he was a natural at doing some of the tasks. He didn't seem like he was a beginner to me."

That was curious. "Probably just one of those fast learners, I guess," Sean suggested.
Ethan shrugged again. "I guess so."

A deep voice sounded distantly from inside Mark's room. "Ethan? Are you still there? I'll be out to have lunch with you in a minute!"
"Yeah, I'm right here!" Ethan shouted in reply. "I've got S- Uh, Jack with me too!"
"Oh, cool!" Mark called. "Tell him I said hi!"
"Top of th' mornin' to ya, Mark!" Sean giggled loudly. Ethan covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
"Top of the morning to ya? Haven't heard that one before!"Mark shouted.
"I sure haven't either," A new voice appeared, sounding clearly sarcastic. It was Felix.

"Oh, shut up," Sean laughed as Ethan nodded in agreement. He wasn't really annoyed with the Swedish boy that much anymore, despite the fact that he'd messed up a thing or two for him here already with his antics. He was his friend, and that was what mattered.

At this point Sean had kind of let the whole 'trapped' thing slip past his mind. He'd been too distracted by all the new experiences he was currently having here.

"Hey, Ethan!" Mark's voice returned. "Can you ask Jack if he's got any plans for lunch? I was thinking that he could join us!"
Sean couldn't help but to smile. He felt his heart begin to warm with delight, just like when Emma and Robert had offered for him to hang out with them.

Ethan turned to him. "So, do you?"
Sean shook his head. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Felix looking at him expectantly, but it was out of amusement. "Well, Felix'll obviously be coming along too, right?"
"Actually..." Felix stopped him. "Tyler already asked me to join him for lunch. But if you really want me to come, I can."
"Nah, it's fine, I'm not going to drag you around absolutely everywhere," Sean laughed, giving Felix a nudge with his uninjured shoulder.

"Yes, he can come!" Ethan called to Mark before anyone could speak again.
There was a soft creak from the dorm door as Mark stepped out again and closed it behind him. He was in different clothes from before. He smiled at Sean and gave him a friendly pat on the back.
"Sorry again about before," He told Sean, his face turning apologetic for a brief moment.
"Pfft, I told yer, I'm fine!" Sean laughed.

Another door creaked open as Tyler stepped out from his dorm nearby, offering Felix a wave in hello, as he did so. Sean waved to Felix as he walked off with the other male before he turned to Ethan and Mark and said, "Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm fookin' hungry, so let's go to the dining hall... Wherever that is."

/ finallyyy /owo\ and so the septiplier begins. took me seven chapters, but hey, it's here now.

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