[14] New Arrivals

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Time flew by fast for Sean and before he knew it a full week had already passed. To be fair, other than the crushing reminder that they were all trapped in this pathetic excuse for a school with only a small chance of escape, this place wasn't exactly the worst. It was pretty big in size, well-decorated and it had decent facilities. It was almost just like the experience they'd been promised when they'd first applied (minus the psycho-maniac-I'mkeepingyouhereforever principal which happened to be Mark's uncle, of course.)

At the end of that day last week, the group did manage to catch the runaway dog. Felix had found Edgar inside the cafeteria where Ro, Tyler and Bethany had been having their breakfast. He'd been nibbling eagerly at Rosanna's shoes. Felix had been a bit embarrassed and apologised but thankfully she'd found it funny. Speaking of Ro, everyone had decided to start helping her out with making the meals. They'd all agreed to take their turn to cook so it was fair not just for her but for everyone.

Classes had begun as well. As if things couldn't get any stranger, Sean discovered that there were no teachers, just big screen projectors that told them all they needed to know. They had to submit any questions they had through a special device in class. It was a really weird concept in his eyes. Not to mention, Sean now knew what Mr. Charrette had meant when he'd said "just wait until you see the windows."
There were no windows - Just big pieces of metal bolted where they should've been.

Everyone also had the exact same timetable, except for one class, where they went off to train their 'special ability' in whatever room was necessary for it.

On another note, despite having heard him be called 'Sean' countless times by others, Mark was still convinced that Sean's name was 'Jack.' No one questioned why Mark kept calling him that, nor did Sean want to tell him the truth. Not yet. Perhaps he assumed it was a nickname?

And then there was Sean. That night Sean had been forced to stay in Mark's dorm for another night, but the next morning (to his relief) he'd woken up to find a brand new key hanging out of the lock in his own door, indicating that the workers had fixed it overnight.

He hadn't had any more troubles after the door incident but that didn't stop him from paying regular visits to Mark's place. He saw him just about every morning and they always walked to classes together. They hadn't really spoken about the night when Mark had basically told him everything. Sean was starting to wonder if it ever actually happened.

On one particular morning Sean woke and prepared himself for the day. As soon as he stepped out of his room he saw Mark chatting to Ethan nearby so he decided to go over and join them.

"It's finally open again! Looks just like it was before. It took them damn long enough to fix it if you ask me," He heard Ethan telling Mark.
"That's great to hear. I'll be sure to stop by when I get the chance." Mark replied.
"I mean, you were the one to wreck it, sooo.."
"Hey, it wasn't just me! It was me and J- Oh, Jack, hi!" Mark caught sight of Sean and gave him a wave. "We were just talking about the mechanics room. Apparently it's all fixed now!"

"That's great.. but you won't be seeing me near that place anytime soon. Not after what happened." Sean gave Mark a friendly bump.
"Still not over that? Well, suit yourself."
"I swear yer gonna get thrown out if something happens again!" Sean scoffed.

Suddenly, an excited yell from down the hallway leading to the main entrance interrupted their playful argument. It made them all jump.
Sean stared down the hallway to see what was going on and soon enough he spotted the familiar faces of Robert and Emma sprinting around corner. They had left a bit earlier than the others than morning to brush up on one of their school projects before class started, but as they ran towards the group Sean realised that they looked... Shocked?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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