29: Alliance

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~~~~~~Sara's POV~~~~~~

I waited for a moment in silence as my words sunk in.

I did want to go home.

But was he really going to help me with that?

I slowly turned the handle and opened the door, laying my eyes on Althazar.

The bright orange skin that scared me at first had become such a familiar and comforting sight.

He was here for me. Whatever I wanted I could get out of him.

I dropped my shoulders and looked him in the eyes, smiling a little.

"Hi love," He whispered.


I stepped back, letting him in.

He sat on the bench, the door closed with a click and I turned to face Althazar.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

He shook his head vaguely.

"I don't know love, finding a way off the ship is easy but getting back to earth.. it's going to be difficult."

"What if we got off on the next planet and used their ships?" I asked.

He frowned. "We're back on schedule, which means it'll be apocalypse season wherever we get off. All of their galaxy class spacecraft will have been used for evacuation. The rest will be crap, they won't get us all the way back."

"How far away are we?" I asked, taking a seat next to him on the bench.

"Couple galaxies away I believe." he murmured.

I closed my eyes and took a breath. "Good to know. You know, this kind of stuff used to shock me."

"But you're used to it now. Won't you be bored when you get back to earth?" He asked.

When, he said when I get back to earth. That was somewhat assuring.

"Maybe, but I think I'll live differently after this experience. When I get back I'm not going to settle, I'm gonna do what I want to do. Take chances, tell people what I'm really thinking, travel more."

"It'll never be as epic as space travel." He stated.

"No, but I like it better on Earth. It's home." I said. "You've got to figure out how I'm gonna get out of here. Seriously, you promised." I said.

"I will, love. The answer will present itself, just give it time." He said, putting his arm around my shoulder gently.

"And you'll take me back to the moment I left?" I questioned.

He laughed. "Time travel is never that precise. I'll do my best lovely."

"Okay." I said.

He smiled and stood up.

"I'll be back soon love, don't run away." He stepped towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Searching for flaws, I've got to be prepared for our next landing. And who knows, maybe I'll find some answers along the way. Goodbye love." He said and left the room.

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