32: Apprehended

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~~~~~SARA'S POV~~~~~

Althazar heaved us into the ship. We sat down on the metal floor catching our breath. Lava shot up all around the ship, but we were safe up here.

"I'm sorry I ran." I whispered between heavy breaths.

Althazar chuckled. "No, that was exciting. I like your sense of adventure." He said.

I shook my head, staring out at the erupting world in front of us.

The massive window started closing. Two layers of metal came together from top and bottom.

"Think we're taking off?" I asked.

"Probably. Before the ground collapses beneath us." He murmured.

We stood up and walked to the vent.

Althazar opened his arms and I wrapped mine around his neck.

He started to climb.

It got dark, really dark, and then I started seeing light above us.

"Almost there." Althazar breathed.

The vent became bright from the artificial lights shining in from the greenhouse area. We reached the top and somehow Althazar got us out of the hole and onto solid ground.

"Back to the rooms?" I asked.

He nodded and we walked.

I could feel the ground shaking as we took off, leaving the burning planet behind us.

We jogged down the stairs to our hallway. I pushed open the door to my room.

"Put your hands behind your back." A voice spoke.

In front of us stood two guards. They pounced on us, bound our hands behind our backs and marched us into the hallway.

I connected eyes with Althazar in a look of confusion.

We were taken to a holding cell. IT was similar to the place I'd woken up in not too long ago.

The door was closed and we stood there, staring at each other, hands still bound.

"They found out." Althazar explained.

"What, that we escaped?" I whispered.

"Love, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was fun." I said nonchalantly.

"What are they gonna do with us?" I asked after a moment's pause.

Althazar shook his head. "I don't know."

We watched the door, expecting it to open.

"Are they coming back?" I asked.

"I don't know." Althazar replied.

He slipped on of his hands out of the cuffs and flexed it in front of himself. With that he got the other one free.

"Like me to release you?" He asked.

"Damn, you're good at this stuff." I remarked, turning so that he could reach my hands.

He removed the shackles.

I rubbed my wrists where they had been.

"I've had a lot of experience." Althazar admitted.

"Right, this place used to be different." I remembered.

Althazar sat down.

"Are they ever gonna come?" I groaned.

"Probably." He said. "But what's the rush?"

"I can't stand not knowing whats going to happen. Have they ever done this before?" I asked.

"No." Althazar answered.

My foot started tapping the ground.

"Sit down." Althazar instructed.

So I did.

"Now go to sleep." He said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"It'll make time go faster." He answered.

"I'm not tired. I can't just go to sleep." I said.

"Fine. Play a game with me." Althazar said.

"Okay." I stated.

"Here, put your hands like this." He held his hands up in front of him like he was touching imaginary glass.

I held my hands just in front of his.

"Mirror me." He smiled.

He mover his head to the right.

I followed.

He lowered his hands and I did the same.

"This reminds me of kindergarten." I laughed.

He stood up, keeping his hands on the fictional mirror. Naturally I followed. We did a little dance of back and forth movements. I wasn't sure who was leading anymore.

I giggled.

"You losing track of time yet?" He asked, crouching down.

"A little." I said as I crouched.

He leaned in closer to the line where the imaginary glass would have been. Our noses were almost touching.

"You have such bright eyes." I murmured, staring into them.

"Bioluminescence." He stated.

Our heads moved simultaneously to the side.

"I sure wish I could have seen your planet. A whole bunch of aliens walking around that looked like you."

"It's destroyed now." Althazar said, pulling back from the mirror.

"I know. Was it nice?" I asked.

"No not really." Althazar said.

He broke off from the whole mirror thing and sat facing the door.

"What? No more games?" I asked.

"Someone's coming." He responded. "I can hear them."

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