30: Airport

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~~~~Braden's POV ~~~~

We were cruising down the highway in that rusted out blue truck. The windows rolled down, Elizabeth's wavy blond hair blew in the wind. She drove while I sat in the passenger's seat, my foot bouncing up and down on the floor.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"It's pretty simple. We get the hell out of here, ditch the car as soon as we can. They'll be after us now. I think it would be best if we left the country." She replied.

"Great, I've always wanted to be a fugitive." I muttered.

"Any idea where the nearest airport might be?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'll keep an eye out for signs." I said, settling my gaze on the world outside my window.

"Got any places on your list outside of America?" She asked.

"Lots." I said.

"Okay." She replied.

Her hand went to the dashboard and she turned on the radio. Flipping through the stations, she settled on an upbeat pop song and started singing along with the lyrics.

"What's with the get up?" I asked, eyeing her oversized plaid shirt and men's jeans.

"I was planning on sticking around. Obviously I didn't want to look like me." She replied.

"Okay, but how did you get those clothes?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I'd rather not say."

Nodding, I returned my gaze to the signs on the highway.

"Well, do you have your passport?" I asked.

"Always." She confirmed. "You?"

"Fuck." I said, realizing I didn't have it. "It was in my suitcase. The one that got left on the train."

"Alright, well we'll just have to find a guy that looks like you, get him alone, knock him unconscious-" Elizabeth started.

"No. No we're not doing that." I cut her off.

"Fine. Then we'll buy a suitcase that's nice and big, shove you inside and mark it as fragile." She said.

"Are you crazy? I'm not a contortionist." I said.

"Tough. It's the only way we're gonna get you outta this country." Elizabeth replied.

I shook my head. "You're nuts. I won't fit in a suitcase."

 "Just wait and see. Hey, keep your eyes on the road, we don't want to miss it." She said.

"How are we doing for gas?" I asked.

"A bit low." She replied.

"Hopefully we'll find an airport soon." I said.

We spent the next five minutes listening to the radio, cruising along with no idea where we were going. But then I saw the word airport.

"Airport! Airport!" She shouted before I even said anything.

"Get off at the next exit." I said.

She did just that.

We parked the truck and walked into the airport terminal, her in her men's clothing and me without a passport.

I had made her wrap up her hair and put it under a hat so she had more of a chance of passing as a guy, at least until we bought her some new clothes. God, we must have looked suspicious.

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