The Meeting

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                                                                                 (Y/N)'s P.O.V

      (F/N) finally pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

      "So where are we gonna go first?" I ask (F/N) while she was reapplying her lip gloss.

      "I was thinking, maybe forever 21 first then food court then we wander about like a couple of idiots." She replied rubbing her lips together and grinning at me.

      "Sounds like a plan" I grinned back and got out of the car.

      We walked in the mall and headed towards the elevator because Forever 21 was at the third floor. We got into the elevator and rode it to the third floor and walked to Forever 21.

                                                                       *Time Skip*

      After about an hour or two we walked out of Forever 21 with at least 3-4 bags in each hand. Since we had so many bags , (F/N) decided to take the bags to the car and I would head to the food court to order our food.

      As I was walking to the food court, I began to let my thoughts wander through my head. I zoned out and ignored everything around me and just focused on getting to the food court. I ignored the shrieks coming from behind me and I ignored the wave of girls running to someone or something behind me.

      As I was walking, I felt someone accidently bump into me and drop whatever they were holding onto the ground.

      "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" the person exclaimed and began ranting about how sorry they were and etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

      I noticed from his voice that this person was a male and I crouched down to pick up the video game he had dropped.

      "You dropped this" I say, cutting off his rambling and extending the video game that was in my hand to him, "and it's fine really. Nothing to worry about."

      "Oh thank goodness, you're nice and not one of those girls" he muttered under his breath, making me giggle.

      "I'm (Y/N) by the way" I say holding out my hand for him to shake.

      "Sam but you can call me Sam" he grinned at me and shook my hand.

      "Nice to mee—" I started to say, but was then cut off by someone yelling.

      "Sam! Come on! We need to go!" the voice yelled and from what I could see, I think that that voice was coming from inside the ocean of girls.

      "Sorry (Y/N). Gotta go. I'll see you around" he calls as he jogs to the sea of girls and disappears in it.

      'He was nice' I think as I pick at my food, waiting for (F/N) to come back. 'Sure he was good looking but Chan is cuter and I mostly think of him as a friend and that's it. But.... He would look great with someone else I know' I smirk at the thought of (F/N) and Sam as a couple. I shake my head to clear my thought. 'oh god. I just met the guy and now I'm shipping him with my best friend. Fabulous.'

      "Hey (Y/N)!" I hear (F/N) greet me as she sat down to eat her food.

       "Sorry I took so long. Some idiots parked too close to the car so I couldn't open any of the doors." She explained as she took a bite of the hamburger I bought her.

      "Why didn't you just put them in the trunk like any normal person would do?" I retort finishing the slice of pizza I ordered for myself.

      "Two reasons 1.)I'm not a 'normal person' and 2.) My trunk smells and I think something died in there." She says after swallowing the bite of the hamburger she took.

      "of course" I snicker as she glares at me but doesn't say anything because her mouth is still full.

      "Anyways, did anything interesting happen while I was gone?" She asks after she swallowed.

       "Well other than the fact that I bumped into a boy, no" I say innocently sipping the glass of coke that came with the slice of pizza.

      At this news (F/N) instantly perked up "Was he cute? Do you like him? Did he ask for your number?"

      "Calm down" I say, chuckling "Yes and yes but I don't like him in that way and no so I'm probably never gonna see him again."

      "aww... wait if you think he's cute then why don't you like him?" She asked tilting her head to the side. Eyes gleaming with curiousity.

      "I just think that he would look better with someone else. That's all" I say nonchalantly sipping my coke.

      "ohh ok" she replies and happily finishes her hamburger.

      After we ate we just walked around the mall for a couple of hours, just goofing off and having fun when I got a text from my mom.


A/N: Okay I know you guys must probably be fuming right now (well at least my cousin Patreisha is hehe  ;)). Well, the reason why I didn't let you two meet is because I felt that it wasn't time yet. The original plan was that this little chappy right here would be the 'big reunion' but then I thought of something better than my original plan. You see, I want my story to be unique. Not like the stories that are so predictable (which my story probably is but anyways) I want to put some things that are unpredictable and unexplainable, so please be patient with me guys. I promise you'll see him soon ;)


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