I Finally Got my Best Friend Back

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V   

      'I thought I could do it but I just can't. I can't face him! Not now. Why do I have such bad luck?!?' I think as I run. Yes. You read that right. I'm running. Away from him. (F/N) had to go because of some family problem and she left me here in the park. Five minutes after she left, I saw Chandler and he saw me. I wanted to go to him but I found myself running away from him. The exact opposite of where I wanted to go.

      "(Y/N)! Wait! Please!!" I hear him shout from behind me as I push through the large crowd that was conveniently there that night. Hearing him plead for me to stop and face him should've been enough for me to do so but, for some reason, I just kept running.

      After a while of running, I got the courage to stop and look behind me. I scanned the crowd for any sign of him, but there was none. Judging from my actions, I should've felt a rush of relief, but, the thing is, I felt none. In fact, I felt rather disappointed really, but he would've realized by now that I wasn't worth it. I don't even know why he started running after me in the first place.

      I wander around with my thoughts , letting my feet take me wherever they wanted to go. After a while, I decide to actually pay attention to where I was going and I notice that I was in front of a large bush in the shape of a wall. I noticed that it wasn't just any bush. I smile as I remember the times me and Chandler snuck into here.

          'I wonder if the playground is still here. I hope it is.'

      I push through the bush and I end up in the familiar tunnel hidden inside. I walk to the end of the tunnel and come face to face with the familiar playground. A rush of memories fill my mind, making me smile. I sit down on one of the swings with my back facing the entrance. I was very surprised that the swing was in an okay condition. I may or may not have expected it to break once I sat on it but oh well. I remember the day I fell off this very same swing. I was 8 and he was 9. It happened three months before I had to move.


      "Higher Chan Higher!!" I laugh as I feel the wind push past my face as I went up and down on the swing.

      "Are you sure (N/N)?" I hear him reply as he pushes me at a medium pace.

      "Yes" I say impatiently.

      "Alright then" He says and hesitantly starts pushing me on the swing harder.

      "Chan! Chan! I think I can see our mums!!" I say, pushing myself to the edge of the seat. Now that I think about it, it was a stupid idea and in all honesty, I don't even know why I did it. I t was pretty obvious what would happen at that point. The next thing I saw was the ground getting closer and closer.

      "(Y/N)!! Are you okay?!?" I hear Chan practically shout, rushing to my side at an instant. I was sat on the ground, clutching my now scraped knee.

      "Ow" I say as tears go down my face one by one.

      "This is why I wasn't sure about pushing you higher," he scolds me while rummaging through his pocket for something. He pulls out a bandage and grins at me.

      "Here, let me put it on. Keep still," He said and gently grabbed my knee. He put on the bandage with a few 'ow's and 'sorry's being exchanged here and there. The bandage was big enough to cover the cut thankfully enough.

       "We should go tell your mum what happened so she can clean it properly," he says, standing up and pulling me with him.

      "Thank you Chan," I say and kiss him on the cheek causing him to go red and me to giggle. We both run back to our mums where we both got scolded and tons of questions about whee I got the cut, but of course we didn't tell them. It was our little secret.

                     *** flashback over ***

      "If only I wasn't such a coward" I mutter and bury my head into my hands.

      "(Y/N)?" I hear a male voice ask from behind me. I tense up and the only thing I can think of is

      I slowly rise from the swing and turn to face the intruder.

        'shit! It is him! Quick! Say something! Say something!'

      "umm... hi?"

      'fabulous. After 8 years of no contact umm... hi? Is all I can say?!? Cue facepalm'

      "(Y/N) it really is you" Chandler breathes out, slowly walking towards me. I stand frozen in my spot, not nowing what to do.

      "Hi Chandler" I choke out and force my lips into a small smile, "it's been a while, hasn't it?"

      He doesn't reply. He's standing right in front of me now. He reaches out his hand as if to touch me but he hesitates. Without thinking, I take his hand and place it on my flaming red cheek, smiling softly at him. He lets out a breathy laugh and reaches out and pulls me into a hug. I stand still, not knowing what to do once again. I finally place my hands on his back and nestle my face into his neck/chest (you choose cuz Idk if u guys are short or not XD). The only thing I could think of at that moment was...

      'I finally got my bestfriend back'

                             ~~~EXTENDED ENDING~~~

(F/N)'s P.O.V

      "Yes" I quietly cheer and reach my hand out for a high five from Sam. He high fives me and I mentally pat myself on the back for finally getting them back together again.

      "We should go. Give them some alone time," I say nudging Sam and we both silently crawl through the bushes to the tunnel and out.

A/N: And you two are finally reunited!! Yay!! I hope you guys liked it! Too cheesy or nahh? Thanks for reading my story!! Until next time guys!! <3

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