Staying Strong

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  (Y/N)'s P.O.V

It's been 3 days since I got off the cruise ship and 3 days since I last saw Chandler and as much as I would like to tell you that I've been doing fine, but, well, I haven't, I've been miserable. Let me fill you in on what happened after the fight on the ship.

Once I calmed down, a few minutes later, my parents came back and saw the state I was in. They were frantic and they kept asking questions, but I was too overwhelmed to listen and much less answer them. Fortunately, Brianna and (F/N) stepped in. Once they got the full story they immediately made sure that I wouldn't be seeing Chandler for the rest of the vacation. When we got off the ship, I was able to get a glance at Chandler before I was whisked away by my parents into the car.

Tom left on a plane yesterday and since then, I've done nothing else, but sulk in my room. I hated how I was feeling... sadness... worthlessness... and a bit of anger. I was sad about losing him. I was feeling worthless since he just took interest in some other girl so easily. I felt anger at him for betraying me like he did... for breaking his promises to me... for tricking and telling me all those lies... but I also felt anger at myself for believing in him and trusting him... for loving him and letting myself be so easily fooled. Any who, back to the present!

I heard a knock on my door and I said a muffled 'Come in' leave my mouth from my place on my bed. I was currently lying face-down on my bed that was of course in my room.

"(Y/N), you can't hide in here forever, you know," the person who just entered my room said. It was a voice I knew so well and I identified it to be my mum. She has been there for me and tries to cheer me up in any way possible, sadly, it's just not working.

I groaned in despair and rolled over onto my back to face her. "I know, but I just don't know what else I should do," I replied. She gave me a sad smile and sat down beside me and started stroking my hair.

"Well you have a shooting in an hour so I suggest you get ready. I'll be with you the whole time Sweetie so I can keep an eye on you," she told me and I smiled at her protectiveness. Ever since she found out about the break-up, Mum refuses to let me near him much less talk to him although I have a feeling that if Chandler talks to her and says the right things then he might somehow convince her to let him talk to me.

"Alright mum. Give me some time to change and get myself together then," I say and she smiles at me and nods. She goes to the door and out it, leaving me all alone in my room with my thoughts to haunt me.

I sigh and lay in my bed for 5 more minutes before actually getting off the bed and to my closet to decide what to wear. It was still 8 in the morning by the way. I lay my outfit out on my bed and continue my daily morning routine. I change into my outfit and skim my script to make sure that I've memorized everything for today. I freeze as I read a line that would've made me so excited before, but now I'm starting to regret the fact that we didn't phone Robert and ask him to change the script.

'Carl leans in and kisses Lizzie. Lizzie is hesitant at first, but then melts into the kiss.'

"Crap," I curse and groan, grimacing at the thought of doing it and, of course, it had to be today. (Just to tell you, this is the kiss that was talked about in one of my other chapters, but they had to move the date of it far back due to the fact that your mum was not okay with it happening. Since you two got together, your mum finally agreed and they added the kissing scene back onto the script.)

I sigh and stuff the script into a small handbag along with my phone and earphones. I check the time to see that it took me 30 minutes to get ready so we had 30 minutes to get to the set. I walk down the stairs to see mum already by the door and waiting for me. Once she sees me, she smiles and steps outside.

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