Just Hanging Out

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I heard someone calling my name over and over again. I even felt the bed bouncing a bit. Whoever was calling my name was probably jumping up and down on my bed too.

'What a wonderful way to wake up, don't you think?' I thought bitterly as I whined and pulled the blanket over my head.

'Is this childish? Yes, yes it is. Do I care? Nope, not one bit.' I suddenly feel the blanket being pulled out of my grasp. The first second I was covered by the blanket, the next, not.

As annoyed as I was, I wasn't about to let whoever this person was win. No way in hell would that happen, so what I did was I grasped one side of my pillow and pulled it over my head. I heard the person trying to wake me up, groan, making me smirk. I noted that this person sounded like a boy. Mehh probably Chandler. I heard the person mutter incoherently and the next thing I knew, I didn't have a pillow.

'Oh well' I thought and simply folded my arms together and put my head in the middle, lying face-down on my bed. Chandler sighed and finally said, "Alright, you win. Just be ready before 9:30 cause that's when I'm gonna pick you up kay? So you better be ready by then. It's already 8 by the way so I'm gonna go home and get ready. Bye!!"

I heard the door open and I shouted a farewell to him with it being muffled by the bed. He replied and with that he shut the door. I decided to get up when I heard a car starting. I practically jumped out of bed and raced to the window just in time to see the car drive away.

I walked to my closet and after thinking it over for 20 minutes I finally chose an outfit and walked into the bathroom to decide what to wear.

I stepped in front of the mirror and looked at what I chose to wear.

'Mum!! I almost forgot to tell her!'

"Mum!!" I shout, poking my head out of the door of my bedroom.

"Yes Sweetie?" I hear her shout back from wherever she was in the house.

"Can I go to the mall with my friends?" I shout back, mentally pleading her to say yes.

"Of course Sweetie! Just be back before your curfew!!" she shouts making me fist pump and shout a 'thank you' to her.

I go to my (F/C) vanity that my mum got me for my last birthday. I decided to put on a light blush, mascara, and some lip tint. I was feeling very girly today.

'What has gotten into me? Ohh gosh (Y/N) you better not be crushing on Chandler. No bad (Y/N). You can't like him!'

'Yes you can' an annoying voice in my head replied.

'Not now conscious! I don't wanna argue with you right now and look like a complete idiot, staring at her vanity mirror with a weird expression on her face!'

I check my phone to look at the time. 9:00. So I still have 30 minutes to eat before Chandler gets here.

'Get yourself together (Y/N)!' I glare at myself through the mirror and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey mum!" I chirp as I walk into the kitchen and sit down on a bar stool.

"Good morning Sweetie!" she replies and sets down a plate of waffles on the counter in front of me.

"Yum" I grin and spread what I wanted over the waffles and dig in.

"So who will you hang out with today?" mum asks, turning around to face me.

"Just (F/N), Chandler and chandler's friend, Sam," I say shoveling in more delicious waffles.

"Stop talking with your mouth full dear and ok fine with me," she says, just as we hear a car horn from outside. My mum peeks outside through the window and says, "It's Chandler."

I finish my breakfast lightning fast, grab my phone and earphones, and kiss my mum on the cheek. "Bye mum!!!" I shout over my shoulder and run outside the door to Chandler's car.

"Hey" he  grins at me once I get into his car.

"Hi" I reply and buckle up, "so where are we gonna meet up?"

"Didn't you get a text from (F/N)?" he asks me confused.

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