Confessions, Confessions

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(Y'N)'s P.O.V

I giggle as Chandler rushes around his room, fussing about what he was wearing. I had texted my mum earlier to tell her that I would be coming home with Chandler and that we had something important to tell her. We were currently at Chandler's house, in his room to be exact, and he is currently getting ready. As I said, he's rushing around his room with the occasional question of whether he looks good or not. I sigh and walk over to him in front of the mirror.

"Chan you need to calm down. You're acting so nervous," I comment fixing the collar of his collared shirt.

"I'm not acting (Y/N). This has finally hit me.The fact that you're my girlfriend, my princess, and we're going over to yourhouse to tell your mum. What if she doesn't want us to be together and tries to stop us from seeing each other?" he asks me, looking into my eyes as I looked into his. I could see the fear in his eyes, fear that my mum wouldn't like the fact that we were finally together as a couple. Fear that this would be the last time he would be able to call me 'His Princess'. Fear that I wouldn't be his anymore.

A small smile forms on my face and I pull him into a very much needed hug. He relaxes and nuzzles his face into my hair.

"Stop worrying so much. Everything will be fine, besides, there's no way she could stop us from seeing each other. We have practically the same job for goodness sake! Plus, we'd probably go out behind her back anyways," I comfort him and he lets out a chuckle.

"Do you really think that'll happen?" he asks, pulling away to look at me.

I shrug and say, "Well you never know until we try, right?" I smile and so does he.

"We should get going now, shouldn't we?" he turns to me. I nod with a smile and grab his hand.

We walk downstairs and after a few pics with some comments from Chandler's parents, we were out the door and inside Chandler's car. The car ride was horrible for Chandler. I could only imagine what he was feeling that moment. His hands were shaking and he fidgeted a lot. I grab his hand and squeeze it. I kiss his cheek and rest my head on his shoulder. The moment I do this, he relaxes although his hands were still shaking. I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss each knuckle which causes his hands to stop shaking.

"Thanks (Y/N), my Princess," he says and I hum in content, closing my eyes and savoring the moment.

We arrive at my house and Chandler takes a deep breath before stepping out of the car. He opens the car door for me and we walk to my front door.

Chandler's P.O.V

I'm pretty sure there was a very big chance of me running away as cowardly as the lion Dorothy met on her travels. I will admit, I would've done that for any other girl although, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be feeling like this with any other girl. Only (Y/N) could do this to me.

We reach the front door and (Y/N) opens it and calls out for her mum. We step inside and not a moment too soon, (Y/N)'s mum appears from the kitchen, I suppose. She gives us both a hug and ushers us into the dining room. We sit down with the seating order like this: (M/N) at the head of the table and me on her right with (Y/N) on my right. We start eating and it was at dessert where I got the most nervous.

'Well it's either now or never Chandler. You have to do this. Do this for (Y/N), for your Princess.'

I take in a deep breath and say, "(M/N), (Y/N) and I have something to tell you."

(M/N) eyes turn to me and I feel (Y/N) grab my hand under the table.

"Please, don't be mad, but me and (Y/N) are dating. I asked her whether or not she would be mine yesterday evening. We wanted to tell you as soon as we could and we thought that now would be the best time. I hope you don't mind me dating your daughter (M/N) and I hope you give us your support. (Y/N) means the world to me and I know you mean the world to her. It would be much easier on both of us if you would give us your consent," I finish and look at her almost pleadingly.

Fading Memories (Chandler Riggs x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now