Why Can't Broken Hearts Heal Fast?

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  (Y/N)'s P.O.V

I walked out of the bathroom, eyes dry and a happy smile plastered onto my face. I walked to where the girls were and their conversation died down as they noticed I was approaching.

"Hey girls!" I greeted them as I sat down. They looked at me skeptically, but smiled nevertheless and continued their conversation with me commenting from time to time.

I saw Brianna look behind me and her eyes widen, but I realized what was going on too late to stop it from happening. My escape was interfered by a pair of arms which belonged to a certain blonde-haired boy who threw me into the pool. I squealed and covered my eyes and braced myself for the rush of cold water that would soon come into contact with my back and envelope my body... but... it never came, instead a pair of warm arms caught me, saving me from getting completely wet – of course getting somewhat wet was inevitable- and boy was I relieved. I opened my eyes only to meet a smirking Chandler.

"This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I told you I'd catch you, (something he told me when I jokingly told him that I fell for him a few days ago which, in all honesty, was true) but this works too," he smiled cheekily making me let out a laugh and grin.

"You can put me down now," I tell him and he carefully sets me into the water. I immediately splash him with water once he puts me down. This one little action sets off a whole water fight that dragged (F/N) and even Brianna in.

We got out of the pool cold, but happy. There were only 5 towels waiting on the beach chair for us to use and from the glint (F/N) had in her eye, I knew she and Brianna had something to do with it.

"There's only 5 towels," Alexis commented and I could hear the hopefulness in her tone.

'Oh hell no. I may have put up with you for a while Alexis but if you think that you and Chandler will share a towel, I WILL MURDER YOU.'

"That's fine. (Y/N) and I'll just share," Chandler brushed it off and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my frame and his.

Because I was very close to him like this, I couldn't help but blush. Sure, we were dating and all that jazz, but he still gives me chills and feelings that I know I'll never get from anyone else. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer than I already was to him. To say the least, I probably looked like a dark-red apple.

"You two are so adorable together," Brianna coos and that was it. I couldn't handle the embarrassment any longer and so I hide my blushing face by burying it into Chandler's chest.

I feel his chest rumble from the chuckle he was letting out. I could hear (F/N) and Brianna continue to coo at how adorable we were together. Chan's arm wraps tighter around me and his thumb starts to rub the portion of my waist that was exposed, sending shivers and chills all over my body and from the chuckle he let out, I knew that he could tell.

"Alright! How about we head to our rooms to change and explore some more?" Alexis cuts off all the cooing from (F/N) and Brianna which only gained a smirk well two smirks from (F/N) and Brianna and their thoughts were plainly written on their face:

'(S/N ship name): one
Alexis: zero'

"Alright then. Let's head to our rooms!" Sam practically shouted and we walked inside and to our rooms.

We stopped outside our rooms and it was just me and Chandler right now. Of course, Alexis and Brianna went to theirs which were on the other side of the ship ("Thank God!" (F/N) said) and Sam went into his and Chan's room then (F/N) was walking ahead of us so she got inside the room first.

Chandler got out from under the towel but kept a firm hold on my hand. "So see you later?" he said in a statement form but it was said as sort of a question.

I chuckled and said, "Of course my Prince."

"Great. I love you so much Princess," he grinned and pulled me in closer with his hands on my waist. He leaned in until his lips met mine and we kissed. It was passionate and lasting and it was so hard to pull away.

"See ya Princess," he grinned cheekily at me and went inside his room.

Based on past experiences, I should've been over the moon, but somehow I felt as if this would be the last time I could ever feel like that with him... the last time he would hold me like that... the last time he would say those three words and actually mean it... the last time I would look at him and feel comfort and happiness.

"Goodbye Chandler," I whispered, my voice cracking. Somehow I knew this was it and all I could do was sit there and watch the chaos and torture unfold. I take in a deep breath and plaster a fake smile on my face and walk into the room.

For the past 3 days, Chandler and I have been drifting apart and he's been getting closer and closer to Alexis. We've been drifting apart so rapidly that even (F/N) and Brianna have given up on trying to keep me and Chandler as close to each other as possible.

Right now, we were currently exploring as much of the cruise ship as we could with Brianna and, of course, Alexis. Cue cringe. Currently, me, (F/N), and Brianna were walking together while Chandler, Sam, and Alexis were in front of us. I watch as Chandler and Alexis laugh once more at some story that Alexis tells him about and sigh.

'Why the hell is love so complicated?'

(F/N) and Brianna were in the middle of a heated conversation about who was hotter, Liam Payne or Harry Styles, but all that immediately came to a halt when they heard me sigh. They turned their attention to me and followed my longing gaze. Once they saw what I was looking at, they immediately sighed and gave each other a look. It seemed that they communicated telepathically and once they came to a decision, they nodded. The odd things they were doing were enough to take my attention away from my boyfriend and his new 'friend' to whatever my two besties were planning.

"What are you---"

"Chan! Sam! We're going to go somewhere, okay? Let's just meet up later," (F/N) informed the trio in front of us though she purposely left out Alexis and cut off my question.

"I'm just gonna go with them. See you later!" Brianna added and they dragged me away to who knows where.

"What are you doing?" I ask them, pulling my arms out of their grasp and turning to face them one we were out of ear shot.

"(Y/N), you know I love you and this is why we're doing this. You need to spend some time away from Chandler. He'll approach us if he wants to. If he wants to stay with Alexis then that's his choice, but I won't let you suffer like this. As your best friend, what hurts you, hurts me too," (F/N) told me.

"And I may have not known you that long, but seeing you like this isn't something that I enjoy. You have been nice to me and made me feel like I actually belonged which is something that Alexis never did. It was always popularity, looks, and boys that mattered to Alexis and I was sort of like an accessory which she could just use and ditch whenever she wanted. Technically speaking, I owe you and so I wanna help you too," Alexis piped up and I smiled sadly.

"(Y/N). I know you wanna let it out. Go ahead. We're here for you," (F/N) said and went to my side. She put a comforting hand on my shoulder and so did Brianna and that's when I broke down.

I fell to my knees and to the floor, not being able to keep it in any longer. I let out all the tears I was holding back... all the pain in my heart caused by him being with her... everything that leaked out of the cracks in my heart that he left... it hurt to say the least, but I would rather be tortured physically cuz hell, this was torture, but worse...

I could feel their hands wrapping around me, rubbing my back, trying to comfort me in any way possible, but they just... couldn't... The only arms I wanted to have wrapped around me right now were off doing who knows what and the only voice I wanted to hear was being used to make some other girl smile and laugh... Why can't broken hearts heal fast?

The sound of fast footsteps reached my ears. Some voices were heard, but not understood by me. I could feel (F/N)'s grip on me tighten and Brianna's leave. I could hear her voice talking to someone, telling that someone to leave. I was too preoccupied with the pain in my heart and the tears trickling down my cheeks to notice it was him. It was no wonder that I was shocked –to say the least- when I felt (F/N)'s arms hesitantly leave my shaking form and another pair instantly replace them.

I felt warm, comforting arms wrap securely around me and a soft, soothing voice whisper comforting things into my ear, things that I didn't process... The same way I couldn't process who was doing it which is the main reason as to why I didn't pull away.

"(Y/N). Princess! What's wrong?" I could just barely make out what he was asking

"Princess... tell me what's wrong.... Who did this to you?..."

'Oh if only you knew... what would you do if you knew? Would you apologize? Would you tell me I was overreacting? Would you leave me... for her...? Why the hell can't broken hearts heal fast?'

A/N: HEY GUYS!!! Sorry I haven't been updating!!! Gomenasai!!!! it's just that I had classes for the weekend about Pranic Healing (research it's very nice and useful and plain AMAZING) and I could only get ahold of my laptop today. Literally. I hope you guys like the chapter!!! What do you thinkis going to happen? Who do you think Chandler will choose? Sadly I think we're about 10-20 chapters away from the end. I know sucks but there will be a sequel!!! I now have the whole story planned out (Thank goodness) and all I need to do is type it out! Thanks so much for reading! Until Next Time Guys (still need a nickname)!!!!


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