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        After we ate, me and (F/N) wandered like a bunch of idiots, laughing and giggling all the time when I got a text from my mum.


       Upon reading this text, I froze in my spot. Noticing the lack of footsteps, (F/N) turned around a stared at me. I don't blame her though. I must've looked like an idiot, standing still as if I was frozen and staring, wide-eyed at my cellphone. Heck if I had seen someone doing that, I would've probably thought that someone was wrong with them.

      "(Y/N) are you okay? What does the text say?" (F/N) asks, walking behind me to read the text over my shoulder. A million thoughts were running through my head like 'Is it something I did? Is it life threatening?'

       I was brought back to reality by (F/N) shaking me and saying "(Y/N) snap out of it. We should go now. It seems pretty urgent."

      All I could do at that point was nod my head and let (F/N) drag me by the arm all the way to her car.

      Once she parked in the front of my house I bolted outside and into my house.

      "Mom! Mom! Are you okay?! Did something happen?!?" I shout into the house, frantically searching for my mother. I finally found her leaning on the kitchen island with a letter in hand. She looked up to meet my eyes and beamed.

      "It's for you" She says, extending the letter to me. I grab it cautiously and read through it.

      'Dear Mrs. and Ms. (L/N last name),

              We have decided to give the role of 'Darlene Peterson' to Ms. (Y/N) (L/N). She will be playing the role of Carl's 'love interest' and long lost sister of Enid. Although, it has been years since she auditioned for the role of Sophie, We think that now would be the best time to give her a role in The Walking Dead. Her performance was outstanding but she wasn't quite what we were looking for as the role of Sophie. We hope to see you in our office this Saturday at the Suntrust building (If you got the reference, I love you to the moon and back XD) on Lexington Avenue (random address that just popped into my mind so I don't know if it is a real address XD).

                                                                                              -The Producers of TWD.

      After reading the letter, I look up at my mum, wide eyed and a huge grin appeared on my face.

       "I can't believe it. I'm part of the cast of the Walking Dead." I squealed and hugged my mum. We, then, started jumping around like teenage girls fangirling over their favorite boy band.

       "What's going on here?" I hear a very confused (F/N) say from behind me. I turn around to see her holding the bags of clothes we go bought, watching the scene me and my mum were putting up with a very amused expression.

      "Oh it's nothing really" I say, nearing her with every word and once I was close enough, I took the bags away from her and set them on a small table near me, "I only got a part in the Walking Dead but that's about it."

      I gave her a moment to process the information and a few seconds later me, my mum, and (F/N) were all jumping around, all excited and giddy.

     "So you start on Saturday. That's in like 5 days!" (F/N)she squeals and stops jumping "OMG I just realized this."

      I stopped jumping while my mom also did and started preparing dinner as it was already 6 pm.

      "What?" I say, tilting my head a little.

      "IM BEST FRIENDS WITH A SOON TO BE FAMOUS PERSON!" She squeals whilst clapping her hands in excitement.

      "At least you get to scratch something off of your bucket list" I shrugged, giggling from my best friend's excitement.

      "Oh can I sleep over here? I am going to be home schooled here anyway" she asks typing away on her phone but pausing to look up at me.

      "Sure why not?" I shrug after asking my mum for permission.

      "Great. I'll just call my mum to let her know" She says and walks away, putting her phone up to her ear.

      I chuckle and head up to my room and lay on the bed.

      'I still can't believe that I'm actually a part of The Walking Dead now. Wait, that means that I'll have to face Chandler. Oh god. What if he's mad at me for not talking to him? What if he bullies me? No Chandler is way too nice to do that.... But... still..'

      I was pulled out of my thoughts when (F/N) jumped onto the bed.

      "My mum says it's fine as long as--- hey. You okay? You look a bit pale?" I hear her comment and turn my head to face her.

      "Do I really?" I ask already knowing the reason.

      "Yeah. What's wrong?" she asks me, concern in her eyes.

      "Well it's just that I'll have to face him (F/N). I just don't know if I will be able to do it." I reply, biting my lip, a habit I got from my mom.

     "You'll be fine. I'm sure he'll understand. Just explain it to him. Tell him the truth." She shrugged, nonchalantly.

   "Alright. Tell him the truth, Right. Easy" I muttered to myself.

      "Girls! Time to eat!!" I hear my mother call form downstairs.

      We went downstairs and I now lay on my bed thinking about what to say to Chandler when I see him. I decide that I'll know when I see him. I turn of the lights and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

A/N: Sorry that there wasn't any Chandler here but there will be in the next chappy :D well... sort of... To all those who are reading this, please comment if you want me to change something about the way I write or if you have any suggestions because it would really help and I may or may not update faster if you do because knowing people are actually reading my story and they like it motivates me to do better :) Not saying you have to tho, it would just be easier for me to write it cuz then I know what you guys want from me XD Any ways until next time! Always remember!! 

 To all those who are reading this, please comment if you want me to change something about the way I write or if you have any suggestions because it would really help and I may or may not update faster if you do because knowing people are actuall...

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Chandler Loves You!!!! yes you!! oh and you!! and--- oh you get the point! Until next time!! Ciao!! <3

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