This Is So Not What I Had In Mind

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"(Y/N)! Coeur?!?" I hear dad call me from downstairs.

"Yes?" I shout back and he instructs me to come downstairs.

I get off the bad and run down the stairs and to the living room. It's been about 3 days since Chandler and Dad met and tings have been going smoothly. Dad and mum both adore Chandler and me and him are happy. (F/N) and Sam have never been better and we actually went out on a double date a couple of days ago. To make it short, it was hilariously funny and super fun at the same time. Work has been going well and school has been okay. My grades are enough to keep both my mum and dad happy, so far, Life's been great.

"What's up?" I question them as I walk into the room. They were sitting on the couch and it seemed they just finished talking.

"Well since I haven't had many vacations from my work in the past and this is the longest one I've had in forever, I was thinking we should go on a vacation. On a cruise ship to be exact," he told me and my face immediately lit up.

"Seriously?!? Yes! When are we going to go?!?" I ask excitedly, my face threatening to split apart due to the grin on it.

"Well in a week at the latest. I called Robert earlier and he says it's fine. You won't have work for the whole cruise and a week after the cruise and so you won't be lonely, I'll allow you to bring your friends. We'll talk to their parents," mum tells me and I let out a very excited & happy 'Yes!' with a matching fist pump and they chuckle at my excitement. I kiss them both on the cheek and thank them. I run upstairs to my room and jump onto my bed. I grab ahold of my phone and immediately call Chandler.


Chan: Hey Princess what's up?

Me: Hey Chan! I have something to tell you!

Chan: And judging from your tone you seem very happy. What is it?

Me: Well me and my parents are going on a cruise!

Chan: That's great! I'm so happy for you! When are you leaving?

Me: In a week at the most

Chan: That's great Princess. I'll miss you though. You better send me lots of pictures and text or call me every day

(Me: and here we go Chan: Hey! Me: is it my fault you're over protective? Chan: Technically it--- Me:isn't! Thank you, I know. Now on with the story Chan: now hold up! That wasn't what I was going to--- Me: Hush peasant! Let them read! Go on Darlings)

Me: But Chan---

Chan: And be careful not to get hurt. I don't want to see a scratch on you when you get back.

Me: But babe you're---

Chan: And stay from the other guys there. If they so much as lay a finger on you, tell me and I'll swim over there and kill them

Me: Chan let me---

Chan: And---

Me: Chandler Carlton Riggs!!! Let your girlfriend speak!!!

Chan: Alright, alright. Sorry about that Princess. What is it?

Me: You're coming with us

Chan: Seriously?!?

Me: Yeah. Mum's letting you, Sam, and (F/N) come along so I won't get lonely

Fading Memories (Chandler Riggs x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now