So That's Why

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

     I let out a yawn and stare into the darkness of the room.

    'Where was I again? I'm definitely not in my bed but... ohh. Chan and me had a sleepover and during one of the movies I fell asleep. Yup that's practically all that happened'
     I looked to my right to see a fast asleep Chandler with small snores escaping his mouth making me giggle. I get up and go down to the kitchen to get a drink of water, using my phone's flashlight as my light.
     I reach the kitchen and turned on the lights. Suddenly my phone vibrated indicating that I had received a text. I checked my phone to see that it was from (F/N).
     'It's 2 in the morning what could she possibly want now?'

     I opened the refrigerator and got out the pitcher of water and poured it into my glass. I sat down on the bar stool and unlocked my phone to read the text.


(F/N): You still awake?

(Y/N): Yes. I just woke up to get a cup of water. What could you possibly need at this

(F/N): Well sorry then grumpy. I couldn't sleep and I just wanted to ask you something. You know what? Maybe you should get back to bed.

(Y/N): Too late for that now. You've piqued my interest. What were you gonna ask me?

(F/N):Well I just wanna ask, did you see a certain brunette earlier this afternoon at the park?

(Y/N): Yes I did actually and-- wait a sec. What did you do?

(F/N): What?! I ask you a simple question and in return I get suspicion?! Wow you are such a good friend (Y/N). I feel soo loved.

(Y/N): Stop stalling (F/N). Now spill. What did you do?

(F/N): Well I may or may not have met a very cute blondie named Sam and had a convo and found out that we were best friends with the two of you and we may or may not have formed a plan to get you two together. Possibly.


(F/N): I said it was a possibility. I didn't say it really happened.

(F/N): But yes, yes we did do all that.

(Y/N): I hate you.

(F/N): Ohh that may be what you're typing but I know for a fact that ain't what you
feeling. You know you love me.

(Y/N): Do I know that?

(F/N): ....

(Y/N): Yes, yes I do
(A/N: if you got the reference, comment!!)

(F/N): Better anyways what happened. We only saw the part where you two hugged.

(Y/N): Oh well nothing much but.... WHAT?!?! YOU SPYED ON US?!?!

(F/N): Well I wouldn't call it spying. We were just making sure that our plan succeeded.

(Y/N): I need a new best friend...

(F/N): HEY!! At least you got back with your childhood bff but anyways what happened?

(Y/N): Well after the hug we talked for a while, he took me home. His parents went out
for the night so he had to stay here and we had a sleepover and he's currently sleeping, peacefully in my room.

(F/N): HOLY CHEESE AND CRACKERS!! Did you use protection?

(Y/N): WE HAD A SLEEPOVER NOT A FLING. Besides, I don't like him like that.

(F/N): Aww too bad, but. knowing you, you will like him soon.

(Y/N): Shut up. Anyways, wanna hang out tomorrow or rather today?

(F/N): Sure!! Let's bring the boys. We'll meet up at the mall at 10. Okay?

(Y/N): Alright. We should sleep now then.

(F/N): Good idea. Goodnight. ;)

(Y/N): Goodnight.

***End of Convo***

      I sighed and locked my phone. I thought about my life as I sipped on my glass of water.

      "Just woke up?" a voice said out of nowhere, making me jump in my seat.

      I looked behind me to see a sleepy Chan, rubbing his eyes and smirking at my reaction.

      "Don't ever do that again Chandler! You scared the crap out of me!" I say, clutching my chest and putting my glass of water on the island/bar.

      "Sorry about that so why are you awake?" he chuckles, going to the cabinet to get a glass. He went to the refrigerator and got out the pitcher of water and poured some in the glass.

      "I just woke up and decided I wanted a drink of water," I shrugged, sipping the glass of water, still looking at him.

      "Okay then," he said, sitting on the stool next to me.

      "Ohh by the way we're going to the mall tomorrow." I inform him, thinking about me and (F/N)'s convo earlier.

      "Fine by me. Just the two of us?" he asked me.

      "Nope" I reply and by this he gives me a confused look. I explain everything and he just sits there, nodding from time to time. I finish and stay quiet to let him process all the information I just gave him.

      "So that's why he was always on his phone!" Chandler says, sighing.

      "I think we better go to bed or in our case pillow fort. We do have somewhere we need to be tomorrow," I finally say after the 30 minute convo we were having. I check the time on my phone to see that it was almost 4.

      "Good idea. Now come on!" he says and he hugs my waist and pulls me up so that I was being carried by him. I was facing his back with my (H/C) hair hanging in my face.

      "Chan what are you doing?! Put me down!" I squeal, trying to be as quiet as I could as my mum was still sleeping in her room upstairs.

      "Relax. I'll put you down when we reach your room," he chuckles and with that he climbed up the steps to my room with me giggling and him chuckling as quietly as we could the whole way there. We finally made it to my room and he set me down in our pillow fort. I got a slight headache and I tried to step forward but my knees buckled and I was about to give a not so happy greeting to the floor with my face but I was stopped by two arms hugging my waist to prevent me from falling. Apparently, said arms belonged to Chandler. Great now I'm blushing. Isn't that just fantastic?

      "Woah there. You okay?" Chan chuckled as I rubbed my temples, still trying to get rid of the headache I got from the blood rush.

      "Yeah I'm fine. Sorry about that though," I said, looking up to meet his eyes.

       "Umm... Chan? You can let go of me now. I'm fine, really," I tell him because his arms were still wrapped around my waist.

      "Oh sorry about that," He blushed, letting go of me, "Are you sure you're fine now?"

      "Yup" I grinned, "Anyways you take the bed and I'll take the couch."

      I grabbed an extra pillow and blanket from my bed and walked over to the couch to see Chandler already lying on it.

      "Chan move. You're sleeping on the bed," I say nudging him slightly with my knee.

      "Nah I'm fine here," he replies, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

      "Are you sure?" I ask hesitantly.

      "Yup!" he grins at me and I, hesitantly give him the blanket and pillow I had in my arms.

      I return to my bed and cuddle up in the sheets. I turn off the lap on my bedstand and say, "Goodnight Chan. It's good to have you back."

      "Good to be back (N/N nickname)" I smile at the nickname he gave me when we were kids and drifted off into a deep sleep.

A/N: and here is Chapter 12!!! I'm so sorry that I din't update over the weekend guys!! I had to wash my clothes on Saturday and it was family day on Sunday so yup you get the point. Sorry there's no lovey dovey stuff yet. It's just that you guys aren't together yet and I wanna save all my cheesy ideas for when you two get together. Also in the story they are on break at school due to the shooting for The Walking Dead and Sam and (F/N) don't have school. You and (F/N) are being homeschooled by the way so yeah. That's all for now so.... UNTIL NEXT TIME!!! BYE!! ^.^-BLCCBO

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