CHAPTER 8-Practice

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                                                       SKIP TO THURSDAY

           The next morning I roll out of bed.  And I when I say roll I mean literally roll out of bed.  I land on my wrist and hiss in pain.  The cuts start to bleed in since I took such a hard fall on them.  God dammit wasn’t this supposed to make me feel better.

             I hop in the shower and thought of what kind of practice I had tonight.  Monday was hockey.  Tuesday I’m off.  Wednesday I’m also off.  Then I have track. So I have track tonight.  And a hockey game Friday.  Then Saturday I have a meet and Sunday I have a softball game.  Then it practically repeats itself all over again.  It’s annoying but I need lots of practice to get my sports scholarship.  But Saturday was also really special because I had state championships.  It basically determines if I get my scholarship or not.    

          I arrive at school about 20 minutes later.  My morning was not going well.  It consisted of death glares and coffee.  My mom refused to talk to me and hey I’m not complaining.

            School is literally a hell hole. The rest of the morning didn’t go well the least bit.  I was called out by every single teacher for almost falling asleep in class.  We at least got one piece of homework from each morning class and my enemy gossiped about me.


                I look over at Rose.  She sneers at me and turns to her “friends”.  Rose wasn’t popular.  She was a wannabe.  Her “friends” only liked her because she was rich.  Sounds like a certain situation doesn’t it?  But hers was 10x more extreme.  And Marce wasn’t my leader.  I was the fucking leader.  Jaimie, Lauren, Ken, and Barbie her “friends”.  No just kidding I wish though.  Jaimie, Lauren, Ken, and Luke her “friends”.  I laugh at myself for making a joke which only brings even more attention from Rose and them.  She laughs a loud obnoxious laugh and starts whispering to her group.  She walks over acting like she is in a music video.  Which is not pretty and extremely dramatic.   

            “Hey loser!  Where’s your other loser friends?”  She squeaks out of her mouth.  Her voice is so high pitched it sounds like it was auto tuned like that.

            “Well, first of all they’re not losers and they’re not in this class.”

            “Well that sucks for you!!! HAHAHHHAH you’re such a loser.”  She laughs so hard and walks away.  She and I didn’t have the best past.  Hence the enemy part.  And to be honest she wasn’t that scary.  It was the past that was scary.  She doesn’t really bother me in the least bit.  But, nothing is going right. 

                                                  *END OF FLASHBACK*

              I sigh thinking about that memory.  Life sucks and I really need someone just to cheer me up aka the one and only Niall Horan.

             After that little fiasco I went to lunch and had Marce only talk to Quinn and Quinn trying to include me in the conversation.  I thought it was just pregnancy hormones but there is something else going on with Marce.  I will get to the bottom of it too.

 I went to my afternoon classes and they were fine. 

           I ran practically all the way home to chill out for about 20 minutes.  And that’s how I ended up here.  I sigh getting off the couch to go get changed for my track practice!  I hate moving.   

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