CHAPTER 3- School and Niall on my mind

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After I sent Niall the text I start to walk to school. My mom was beyond pissed when I came home because I went to run without her knowing. But the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Niall.


I walk in the door from my five minute run, that really didn't do anything. I was really upset because I was fat still. Niall was skinny. I wanted to be that skinny.

My thoughts didn't last that long due to the monster who wasn't that happy with me. To my surprise, it wasn't my mind

"ASHLIN ELIZABETH CARSEY! WHERE IN HELL'S NAME DID YOU GO? YOU HAVE ABOUT 20 MINUTES TO GET TO SCHOOL!" Wow she didn't even say that she was worried or anything along those lines. What a great mom I have here.

"Mom! I went out for a run and I don't need that much time to get to school! I'll be down in 10 minutes to walk to school!" And with that I storm upstairs away from that thing in the kitchen.

*end of flashback*

I keep walking and thinking about Niall. Why can't I get him off my brain? His piercing blue eyes were so attractive. He probably sees nothing in me because I'm a fat, ugly pig.

Out of nowhere, Kaylee walks up to me. What did she want? She is the school's most popular girl and captain of the cheerleaders. She always tries to get me to join the cheerleading team. I always decline with a strange reason so she doesn't get suspicious.

She makes me so frustrated because she always whines and gets all the boys that she wants. That girl needs a serious wake up call. I really wonder if my mom was like this or just 10x worse than her.

"Hey Ashlin! Haven't seen you in a while! Well actually yesterday which means it wasn't a while but whatever! What's up girl!" Kaylee says with her preppy high pitched voice. God it annoys me so much. I'd love to hear her real voice.

"Oh hi Kaylee." I say in monotone not really interested.

"You know what you should really do?" She asks in the same voice as before.

"What should I do?" I ask.

"Try out for the cheerleading team! You seem to have a really preppy voice once you wake up a little bit! Plus you look really light so you could probably be a flyer! Me, you, Jane, Crystal, and Lacey could be our own little group! We would be SOOOO tight I promise!" She rants on about nothing I actaully care about.

Jane, Crystal, and Lacey were the rest of her 'tight' group as she puts it. There were other girls on the team but she was really close with them. They all look the same yet they're not even related. All four of them have long platinum blonde hair that was extremely pretty and tan skin with bright honey brown eyes.

Although it's all fake, it would be so nice to be actually born with those features. I'm was jealous of their looks but not how they acted.

"Oh I wish I could Kaylee but I have other practice after school! I wish I could but I can't, maybe if I quit hockey, track, or softball I could." I say with fake excitement just for her. I'm the worst actress and she actually buys it. The stereo type for her was actually true.

"Awh too bad! I hope you can join the team before school ends." School ends in about 3 weeks and there was no chance of me quitting any of my travel teams for cheerleading. And I guess I zoned out because when I looked up Kaylee was gone and it was 7:25. That left me about roughly three minutes to get all my books and make it all the way across school to where my first class was. This morning is going just great.

I dart to my locker once I got to school about a minute later and grabbed all my books that I needed. This was going to be fun running across the school.

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