CHAPTER 1-A 'simple' gesture

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"Time to get up!" Mothers. Mine only yells and screams telling me what to do.

"Yeah whatever mom. I have 45 minutes to get ready. It's not like a prissy little cheerleader who needs 2 hours." I scream right back. She knows I'm not a morning person. If she gave my alarm time I would've taken a hammer to it. I'm just a little violent... what can you expect?

"Ashlin! You know I was cheerleader." She belts up at me. She was pissed, good.

"Oh, I know. How could you not tell?" I whisper under my breath.

I'm awake now and there is no hope of me falling back asleep, now there's nothing to do. I don't want to start getting ready because I'll have time to think. When I think and have alone time it usually doesn't turn out well.

Maybe I'll go for a little run to the hockey rinks? I slip out of bed and into my small ass closet. I pull out a sports bra and Nike pros along with a sweatshirt. I slip on my teal and bright green sneakers and walk out.

My mother doesn't need to know where I'm going, plus it's not like she cared where I went anyway. I could be addicted to drugs and she wouldn't even care the least bit.

I walk outside to feel the nice warm spring, almost summer air. I love Massachusetts' weather. I pick up my pace and turn the corner only to hear screaming. I live by a 5 star hotel which means a lot of celebrities go and stay there. When there is celebrities, there is always fans. I look at the posters and signs try to figure out who it was. Teenage girls were screaming every five seconds which were extremely graphic. A poster caught my eye which read 'ONE BAND ONE DREAM ONE DIRECTION' one direction? I've heard of that band, I mean if you don't know who they are you must have been living under a rock for the past 3 years.

I only like country though. Every once in a while I can listen to pop when Quinn and Maryland make me. Except, it is very annoying after a few songs though.


Fans were everywhere, but it wasn't anything that I wasn't used to. I couldn't help loving them for everything they do. They are the best fans that anyone could have. They provide the best experience ever.

Meanwhile, there I was staring at the fans while Paul checked us in. There was this one girl in running clothes staring at the posters and listening to all the dirty screams directed to us. All of the sudden the huge crowd of screaming girls start pushing even more and end pushing her fragile body to the ground.

"Eric," who was one of the hotel security guard, "Can you please go get that girl that was just pushed onto the ground. She was in running clothes with long light brown hair in a ponytail?" I plead.


I was trying to figure out why so many fans were here. Its 6:45 in the morning. I would never get up that early. I mean who would?

A second flashes by me and the next thing I knew I had a mouth full of concrete. Well that's just rude! I look up and see some girls a little younger than me. They go to my school, I think. Then I'm off the ground, but I'm not walking or running, I'm being lifted into the air. I look up to see an older, built up guy with a serious expression.

"Who are you? Let me down now!" Am I getting kidnapped!?"

"Ma'am I need you to corporate, Mr. Malik sent me to get you. A request I have to fulfill."

"Who is this 'Mr. Malik' guy I have no idea who that is?"

"Mr. Malik is Zayn Malik from One Direction." One of the boy band guys sent this jacked up guy to get me? I got pushed, I'm not fucking two.

"I don't care! Let me down!" And with that he drops me, in a hotel which I never been in.


Eric came in and drops her on her feet. That wasn't gentle at all, she looks like she weighs 100 pounds. Not to mention, she looks really pissed too.

"Why the hell am I in here?" She yells to anyone who was listening.

"Why are you yelling? We just saved you from getting trampled on!" I yell back because it appeared that I was the only one was listening to her have a hissy fit.

"I didn't need anyone's help! I was pushed, I'm not two. I know how to get up and run away from the situation."

"It was supposed to be a nice and helpful gesture!" Everybody was staring at us now.

"I don't fucking care. It scared me to death getting picked up by a random guy. I thought he was a kidnapper!"

"Well he wasn't, god dammit! Can't you just accept some help?"

"Apparently I can't! And well goodbye, I was going to run before school but now I can't! Thanks so much!"


This girl was feisty and beautiful. I loved it! She looked extremely skinny though... maybe she had a fast metabolism.

"Well he wasn't, god dammit! Can't you just accept some help?" Zayn yells at her.

"Apparently I can't! And well goodbye, I was going to run before school but now I can't! Thanks so much!" She shoots right back at him sarcastically.

"Wait! Can't I at least get your name?" I call out to her.

"Ashlin. Ashlin Carsey." She whispers back like it was a bad thing. Her face expression softens as she looks at me with ice blue eyes.

"Oh, why don't you go out the back so you don't get killed by the fans out there. They might be a little rough."

"Oh... um okay."

She walks over to me and I start walking towards which I assume is the back exit. We make our way back there and hesitation takes over her. She is nervous like she isn't going to make it our alive.

"Um, bye Ashlin. "



"Oh well bye Niall."

"Bye love, oh and one more thing?"


"Can I have um your uh number?" I finally stammer out. God I'm a mess.

"Uh, yeah."

"Here put it in." I say handing her my phone. She hands it back and walks out. God, she's a beauty.

Author's note-

There was the first chapter of Little Secret. And yeah, I know I changed POVS a lot in this chapter. Please vote and comment! Hopefully you liked it! I think I'm going to leave all author's notes in italics. Also I'm going to also start leaving quotes I think fit the chapter in bold and italics.

Sometimes, all it takes is a glimpse of you to make my day- Nonay Mesui

Edited- December 12, 2013

- April 9, 2015

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