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Meanwhile in Zytalia at the hall of the council of holders, the five surviving members were having a discussion something they had done every single day since the battle was won.                                

"Dominus, what shall we do for the boy?!" Djen asked as she had done in each and every one of these meetings.                                                                                                      

"Everything that we can..." Dominus replied as he had each and every time she had asked the question. 

"And what can we do?" Feblyssa asked a question that was new.

"We can do a lot just not for the boy" Dominus answered.

"I can take us back to before the battle..." Chronomus offered.

"Absolutely not..." Dominus protested.

"Why not?!" Soycoss asked

"Because the past is to be learned from not escaped." Dominus replied.

"Are we just going to sit here and do nothing?!" Feblyssa asked.

"No...not nothing, we'll wait..." Dominus answered.

"Wait?! How is that different from nothing?" Soycoss asked.

"Waiting is done with hope...nothing is nothing" Dominus replied. The session that was meant for finding solutions but there was a lot of tension and mistrust; they were no longer a team. A battle that they had won had taken a lot that they treasured away.                                                                                

"I know what we lost in that battle...Austime was a close friend. Xu, Claspem, Smyth, Monero, Reyson and even Sormesa...were all friends. Everything that happened has happened. We'll probably never be the same again...Chronomus can turn back time but I assure you the only thing that would achieve is loss of the lessons we've learned. If we turned back time every instance a bad thing happened, we would live the same moment forever and is that a way to live? The shame is not in failing it's only in failing at the same thing over and over again...let us start over again and not attempt to return to the point where everything was perfect. Let us look forward to the future where everything will be okay again. Let us not try to play the role of God..." Dominus gave a mini-speech and the other holders listened attentively .                                                                                                       

"I understand all that but what of the debt we owe to Jim?!" Soycoss spoke.                          

"When someone is stronger than you are, you barely can help them in their fight...you can only sit back and hope they realise the extent of their own abilities...we can only hope." Dominus replied.      

"You don't mean he is...."Chronomus said not wanting to believe that what he was thinking was actually correct, he did not complete the statement.                                  

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