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"Ang? Angy? Angy!"

"Hmm?" I lifted my head towards Claire who was standing on the step ladder above me.

"Hand me the yellow streamer and please don't make me repeat myself again."

"Oh sorry, here you go."

"Seems like you're a bit distracted today."

"No, not at all."

"You sure?" Claire asked while taping the strips to the wall, "'Cause ever since you came, your mind has been everywhere except here."

I hesitated, should I tell her? Maybe she can advice me?

"Hello? Ang?" Claire waved her hand in front of my face.

"Well.... there is something that's been on my mind for a while but I don't know if I'm ready to share it with someone yet."

"Well Angy," she climbed down the ladder and stood in front of me, "I don't want to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable but if this 'thing' is bothering you, I strongly suggest you talk to someone it doesn't have to be me but tell someone about it. And I'm always here for you."

I held her hands and squeezed them tightly, "Okay listen, everything I'm about to tell you must stay between us. You can't tell a soul about this, you can't even mention names."

I still remember Dylan's threat from the other night and I know how serious it is, I knew I had to be careful with the information I'm about to share with Claire so neither Dylan nor I get hurt, after all I've barely been involved in a small part of his mysterious crazy life and it was enough for me to understand that this guy can be dangerous.

"Angy you're scaring me."

"Promise me, Claire."

"All right, I promise I won't tell anyone."

Claire followed me and sat on the couch while I rubbed my sweaty palms on my knees. It would be wise to not tell her about Walter and I'm definitely not going to mention Freddie.

"Do you remember the guy I met at that party we went to on prom night?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Well we might have bumped into each other a couple of times since then."

"Seriously? When and how?"

"He just keeps popping out of nowhere and even though he's a sweet guy I can't get too involved with him."


"It's just not safe and it would be better if I keep my distance."

Claire looked at me and nodded her head slowly, it's like she was processing what I was telling her.

"This is serious Ang. Like that dude might hurt you and if I were you, I'd probably stay away from him."

"That's what I'm trying to do Claire!"

"Is he stalking you?"

"No! It's not like that! What I mean is that we always end up face to face."

"Do you like him?"

"Maybe but I just...I don't know I just have these really strong feelings for him and everytime we stand too close or touch there is this strong energy drawing me into him."

"It might be a simple crush that would fade after you move away."


"Just...be careful all right? He's a stranger and you don't know anything about him."

"I will don't worry."

"And hey whatever you need I'll be right here,okay?"

"Thank you."


"Claire, Claire come on wake up we have a long day ahead of us," I said as I shook her shoulder.

"Five more minutes please," she moaned and pulled her covers over her head.

No time to waste, we've already slept in so I pushed her off the bed to wake her up.

I knew she cursed me under her breath but I was already headed towards the front door.

"My flight is tomorrow noon so I'm going home to spend some time with my parents."

"Then why did you wake me up?" Claire nagged while scratching her head, half awake.

I reached down to grab my shoes and put it on, "Because it's already three in the afternoon and the party starts at eight, we still need to prepare the food and refreshments and set up the sound system."

"Too much work."

"I'll help you when I get back. In the meantime, go eat, you look pale."

"Sheesh, all right mom."

"Har har," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey by the way, I'm gonna sell my car today. Wanna tag along?"

"Why sell it?"

"I can't stand it anymore. My first option was to destroy it but then again I could use some extra cash after I got fired from my last job."

"Tough choice. Yeah okay, I'll come with you. Anything else?"

"Nada, bye."

"See you."


My parents were waiting for me when I came back home, they were fumbling and running around the apartment everytime I speak or ask for something.

"Guys, calm down. I leave tomorrow and you're acting like it's the last time you'll ever see me."

"We're just happy for you baby," mom smiled.

"And very nervous," dad added.

Yeah dad I can tell.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, it's just college. Besides I get to visit you during the holidays."

Although they smiled, I felt like they wanted to say something along the lines of "But it's not gonna be the same" but they didn't because they didn't want me to feel guilty for leaving and I'm grateful for that.


The transaction between Claire and the buyer was a bit awkward and the tension coming mainly from my friend's side was unbearable, I don't blame her though. Nowadays she barely speaks to strangers let alone men, I do believe she has developed a fear towards them so she isn't prone to any sort of danger. I tried so hard to convince her that what had happened wasn't her fault and that not every man is going to hurt her but she wouldn't believe me, she just can't see that she wasn't  assaulted because he was a man, she wasn't assaulted because he was horny, she wasn't assaulted because it was late at night, she wasn't assaulted because she wasn't aware of her surroundings, she wasn't assaulted because she was alone, she was assaulted because someone decided that it was totally fine to have sex without the consent of the other person, she was assaulted because of the rapist. But maybe it's hard to believe this when our girls are raised in a society that blames them whenever they're molested.

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