35 Morning Kisses

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A soft breathing was hitting on my neck. I slowly opened my eyes,blinking twice so they can adjust to the light creeping from the window. I touched his hand that was wrapped around my stomach. A smile formed on my lips as I blushed when I felt him near me. Gently,I climbed off the bed and made my way to the bathroom taking the small bag I brought,that contained my toothbrush,shampoo,towel,and all these things. I picked an outfit to wear and then went inside the bathroom,closing the door behind me.

After taking a shower,I wore my clothes and pulled my hair into a pony tail. As I started brushing my teeth,last night events started to pour inside my head.

The kiss made me feel lighthead and I couldn't stop smiling after it. It was a struggle to get of his lap but I managed to get a grip on myself. It was impossible to unpack,when Dylan kept on either hugging or intensly staring at me,which also made me avoid bending too much. He kept on messing around but I was able to finish. Wearing my pyjamas was no where near an easy task when their is a pervert in the same room with you,so I ended up skipping the shower I was badly inneed of to relax my swore muscles because of travelling and had to lock the bathroom door to wear my pyjamas.

There was only one bedroom in the cabin,which was a master room. I had a feeling that Dylan had intentionally picked it this way. So we had to share the room,I wasn't uncomfortable with the thought,but I got really shy when I realized we had to sleep on the same bed. I loved him with all my heart but I didn't want to rush things plus I wanted to keep some space. We slept back to back and had plenty of space between us. I don't get it how,somehow,we ended up this close and cuddling.

I shook my head and smiled to myself in the mirror,what is he doing to me? Sleeping next to him on the first night,this was not how I act but him,it's different. Dylan has this effect on me that no one has. He brings out a side of me,I never thought of having.

He was still sleeping,when I came back. I wanted to climb back there and just cuddle with him all day. I decided not too,especially,when my empty stomach was growling like a beast. I went downstairs and walked to the kitchen to see what I can find. I searched the fridge,cabinets,drawers and they were all empty. There were only bottles on wine and champagne and glasses.

I sighed as I put my hands on my hips. There has to be something edible around here.

I turned around and saw the smirking devil with his hands crossed,leaning on the door frame.

"You scared me." I said.

"Well goodmorning to you too." Dylan said still smirking.

"Morning." I muttered.

"What are you searching for?"

"Food. I thought of making breakfast but I didn't even find silverware."

"There is a small diner fifteen minutes from here,we can eat there."

"But we don't have a car,right?"

"I rented one,before we got here,it's outside."


He smiled. "I'll get change and then we can go."

I waited for him in the living room. I decided to take a look outside on the porch. The air was chilly so I wrapped my arms around myself. It was breathtaking,the view was absolutaly amazing. The mountains and trees wore a coat made of snow,the green grass stood high and proud,and the flowers colored the painting drawn by mother nature.

"Hey beautiful what's your name?" he said in a husky voice as he hugged me from the back.

I smiled as I heard these words. These were the words he told me when we first met,outside the club. I remember going outside for some fresh air and then I heard these words.

"First of all don't call me beautiful and second leave me alone can't a girl get some fresh air without somebody stalking her?" I scolded him, playing along.

"Sassy too." Dylan kissed the top of my shoulder.

I rested my head on his chest and put my hands on top of his.

"It's been so long." I said.

"Seven years."

I turned my neck to see his eyes.

"I love you,devil."

"I love you too,angel."

I twisted my body and kissed him.

"Let's go." Dylan said with a smirk when we pulled away.

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