64 More Than Enough

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Claire POV:

He hugged me and I didn't tense up infact I felt like melting in his arms. I can't believe how much I loved feeling his hands on my skin,the way he stood beside me when that Gavin guy kept on persisting and hitting on us. It was the first time I feel this way,I feel like there's a guy ready to protect me. I felt safe.

We got back to the hotel and had lunch and in the afternoon around seven o'clock we went out to watch a movie in a park. The movie started and we were all sitting on our blankets,on the grass. Adam was sitting between Dylan and Angy,infront of Luca and me. I think they did this on purpose so I sit with Luca.

Thirty minutes passed since the movie started when Luca spoke.

"Enjoying the movie?" he whispered keeping his eyes on the screen.

"I'm not even paying attention." I whispered back with my hands wrapped around my legs and my eyes on the screen.


I looked at him and chuckled.

"Shhh." someone shushed from behind us and we stopped talking.

"Do you want to get out of here and actually do something fun?"

"What about Nathan?"

"Dylan and Angy are watching him. Don't worry."

"No,we should stay."

"Do you really want to spend the next hour and a half of your life watching some writer's fantasy about having the perfect romantic dinner being shot or go grab a nice hotdog?"

I turned to face him. "My treat." he added.

"But we have to be quick. I don't like leaving Adam alone."

"He's not alone."

"Even though."

"Fine,we'll be done before the move ends."

I smiled and then we stood up,silently making our way out of the park.


"Two hotdogs please." Luca ordered.

"One with extra ketchup." I added from behind him.

"Coming right up." the guy said. He handed us our steamy hotdogs and Luca paid him. Then we turned and walked through the street.

"I have to admit this is better than sitting on the grass watching couples eat and make- out." I said as I bit my hotdog.

"Anything is better than watching the same repeated scenerio in all the romantic movies. Why bother watching if everyone knows that in the end the guy will get the girl?" he talked and moved his hands.

"I guess people like to watch happy endings even when they know that half of the things in movies and stories don't happen,they like to watch and read it just to escape the world for a while and fool themselves that maybe prince charming will come someday and save them."

"Not all love stories have happy endings though,at least in real life."

"And not every girl needs a prince." I swallowed my food.

"But a princess needs a prince to save her that's how a fairytale goes."

"Correction: a princess likes prince charming to save her. She doesn't need him."

"But that doesn't sell in Hollywood."

"It does badass girls and chicklits sell but the problem is that some girls don't buy it. They don't believe that they are princesses and perfect and complete prince or no price. God had created a girl with an invisible crown on her head that only she can see and a little spark inside her so she can set the world on fire with it. Every girl is a princess but they just don't see it."

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